OSI model - Wikipedia
The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model is a reference model developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) that "provides a common basis for the coordination of standards development for the purpose of systems interconnection." [2]
OSI七层模型、TCP/IP四层模型(超详细 - CSDN博客
2020年12月7日 · 参考模型是国际标准化组织(ISO)制定的一个用于计算机或通信系统间互联的标准体系,一般称为OSI参考模型或七层模型。 它是一个七层的、抽象的模型体,不仅包括一系列抽象的术语或概念,也包括具体的协议。 7. 应用层. 6. 表示层. 数据的表示、安全、压缩。 (在五层模型里面已经合并到了应用层) 5. 会话层. 建立、管理、终止会话。 (在五层模型里面已经合并到了应用层) 4. 传输层. 定义传输数据的协议端口号,以及流控和差错校验。 3. 网络层. 进行 …
OSI模型 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
开放式系统互联模型 (英語: Open Systems Interconnection Model,縮寫:OSI;簡稱為 OSI模型)是一種 概念模型,由 国际标准化组织 提出,一个试图使各种计算机在世界范围内互连为网络的标准框架。 定義於ISO/IEC 7498-1。 该模型将通信系统中的数据流划分为七个层,从分布式应用程序数据的最高层表示到跨通信介质传输数据的物理实现。 每个中间层为其上一层提供功能,其自身功能则由其下一层提供。 功能的类别通过标准的通信协议在软件中实现。 其中,第 1 到 …
What is OSI Model? – Layers of OSI Model - GeeksforGeeks
2025年1月20日 · The OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Model is a set of rules that explains how different computer systems communicate over a network. OSI Model was developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The OSI Model consists of 7 layers and each layer has specific functions and responsibilities.
What is OSI Model | 7 Layers Explained - Imperva
2025年1月15日 · What Is the OSI Model? The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model describes seven layers that computer systems use to communicate over a network. The OSI model is divided into seven distinct layers, each with specific responsibilities, ranging from physical hardware connections to high-level application interactions.
What Is the OSI Model? - IBM
2024年6月11日 · The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model—also called the OSI reference model—is a conceptual model that divides network communication and interoperability into seven abstract layers. It provides a standardized model that enables different applications, computer systems and networks to communicate.
Defining Networks with the OSI Model - IEEE Xplore
The OSI model is a reference model used to define how data communications occur on computer networks. It is divided into layers that provide services to the layers above and below. These layers are associated with protocols and devices.
What is the OSI Model? Layers, Benefits, and Applications
2025年1月16日 · OSI, or Open Systems Interconnection Model, is a conceptual model used to describe the functioning of a networking system. Developed by the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) in 1984, it is used to standardize network design and equipment manufacturing principles.
OSI Model Layers and Protocols in Computer Network - Guru99
2024年6月27日 · What is OSI Model? The OSI Model is a logical and conceptual model that defines network communication used by systems open to interconnection and communication with other systems. The Open System Interconnection (OSI Model) also defines a logical network and effectively describes computer packet transfer by using various layers of protocols.
The Seven Layers of OSI Model - Online Tutorials Library
The OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model is developed by the International Standard Organization. It is a layered framework for the design of network systems that allows communication between all types of computer systems.