OSL card for season tickets and value - Oulun Seudun Liikenne
Onto your OSL card, you can load season tickets and value that you can use to buy a single ticket for yourself and the person you are travelling with. Setting up a card costs 3.80 euros (incl. 14 % tax) at a service point, but you can also order it free of charge online. The OSL card can be personal or holder-specific used by multiple people.
Tickets and fares - Oulun Seudun Liikenne
Load season tickets and value onto your OSL travel card to buy single tickets. Children, youth, 65 years of age, students, people with disabilities and war veterans travel with discounted fares with OSL. Oulu region transport (OSL) organizes public transportation in a region which includes Oulu, Ii, Kempele, Liminka, Lumijoki, Muhos, and Tyrnävä.
Season ticket - Oulun Seudun Liikenne - osl.fi
You can purchase a ticket to your OSL card from Waltti online store, Oulu10 service point or from R-kioski. The ticket loaded to a physical travel card come into effect when you use it for the first time. An OSL card can have two season tickets loaded: one active, and one in …
Oulucard - Oulun kaupunki
Joukkoliikenteessä käytetään Oulun seudun liikenteen (OSL) matkakorttia. Joukkoliikennepalveluihin kortti rekisteröidään joko suoraan waltti.fi-nettikaupassa tai Oulu10-asiointipisteissä. Voit ladata matkakortille kausilipun ja arvoa, jolla voit ostaa kertalipun. OSL:n matkakortti kuuluu kansalliseen Waltti lippu- ja maksujärjestelmään.
Oulu – Waltti Solutions
OSL tickets can be purchased with the OSL app and tickets loaded on OSL travel card, also on Waltti travel card. Even if Hailuoto is not part of OSL area, you can travel on routes between Hailuoto and Oulu with all OSL tickets. You can travel on OSL traffic with a single ticket, a day ticket and a season ticket.
OSL - Apps on Google Play
2024年12月11日 · With the OSL app, you can purchase single, daily, or 30-day season tickets for Oulu Region transport at any time and from anywhere. You have the option to buy multiple tickets in a single...
QSL Card Creator - RadioQTH
2011年4月19日 · You can use this web page to create QSL cards. The cards will be created in the form of a PDF document that you can then print on light-weight card stock. The individual cards can then be cut out and the information filled in and mailed to the intended recipient.
Quality QSL Cards and Ham Radio Gifts
Public bus service - Oulun seudun liikenne
OSL App! Tickets and routes in one place. Top up your OSL card online (Waltti shop) Route planner and realtime info
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