Export - OpenStreetMap
OpenStreetMap data is licensed under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL). This area is too large to be exported as OpenStreetMap XML Data. Please zoom in or …
Static map images - OpenStreetMap Wiki
Static maps images (have the potential to) offer an easy way to embed maps on a webpage. The idea is for web site developers to simply use an <img /> tag (in pure HTML or via a CMS). Its …
Downloading and using OSM data | OpenStreetMap
There are many ways to use OpenStreetMap data. It is possible to download raw data for a certain area, entire countries or regions, or certain features such as roads or buildings. There …
how to export selected area of map in jpg - OSM Help
Use Windows7 screen snipping tool, it can be used to draw a line or highlighted route at the same time. The area can be borderless and saved as a jpeg.
Images and Data for OpenStreetMap - Mapillary
Mapillary imagery and data is always free and open for OpenStreetMap. Mapillary maintains integrations with Rapid Editor, iD Editor, and JOSM for viewing imagery and AI extracted point …
Using aerial imagery - OpenStreetMap Wiki
Imagery and OSM. As a background layer within editors, we can use Bing, IRS, Landsat, and some others. All of these can be used to create and modify objects, but consider that each …
Is there a way of converting OSM data into a high-resolution .jpg …
2020年9月3日 · maybe you can use QGIS, choose the OSM layer and use the print map function. OK, I missed that, open source as well, great. Thanks very much. From looking at the pictures, …
How do I download images? - OSM Help - OpenStreetMap
If you want only a few images, you can download them from the main map page, http://www.openstreetmap.org/. Click the "share" icon (small window with an outward pointing …
Street-level imagery services - OpenStreetMap Wiki
Geolocated images can be displayed on top of OpenStreetMap, as well as be used for photo mapping if the license permits it. Online photos may also be linked from OSM via photo linking.
Download image file - OSM Help - OpenStreetMap
If you want a png or jpeg, etc you can download it from the openstreetmap.org site and use the share link at the right side. See also the this link to a previous question for other relevent points.