osu!里常见的专用英文词和缩写详解 · forum | osu!
osu专有名词. BPM:beat per minute,歌曲的每分钟拍数; mapping:作图,制作谱面;mapper:制作谱面的人; modding:modifying,给别人的谱面提出修改建议;modder:提出建议的人; offset:节奏的偏移量,是为了让打击物件和歌曲节奏一致而人为加上的; OWC:OSU! World …
What is FC?? : r/osugame - Reddit
2016年1月19日 · osu! is a rhythm game based on the gameplay of a variety of popular commercial rhythm games such as Osu ...
Gameplay / Full combo · wiki - osu!
Full combo (or FC for short) is a term used to describe a player obtaining the maximum possible combo on a beatmap. Full combos are scored by passing a beatmap with no misses, sliderbreaks, or dropped slider ends. Scores that lost combo only via dropped slider ends are widely considered by the community to be full combos.
[resolved] What is FCING · forum - osu!
2018年4月7日 · so getting FC is the standard to strive for? is it because of inevitable latency errors that i shouldn't focus on an A or an S, SS?Not really sure what you are talking about exactly, you can strive for whatever you want. If you have issues that are preventing you from doing something, make a new thread. This one is 2 years old.
what's a fc? · forum - osu!
2019年10月19日 · Forums » osu! » Gameplay & Rankings » osu!mania » what's a fc? stupid question. yeah. but actually not so stupid in mania.
How tell if FC? · forum - osu!
If you got to the end without missing or sliderbreaking, you fc'd. It doesn't matter if you see that icon or not. 1-2 combo over hundreds or thousand+ does not matter because you missed a sliderend.fixed, missing a slidertick would result in a combobreak For score it …
How do you actually define a FC? : r/osugame - Reddit
2023年1月2日 · Tbf to the devs it’s pretty hard to be 100% accurate about fc vs sb at end. For example, if I’m playing a map where the last 3 combo are a slider and a spinner, but I pfc the rest of the map, it looks like I dropped 3 sliderends. The pp calc sees it this way too. So it just makes more sense for devs to make medals based around pfc.
What does FC mean? : r/osugame - Reddit
2019年9月21日 · 337K subscribers in the osugame community. osu! is a rhythm game based on the gameplay of a variety of popular commercial rhythm games such as Osu!…
what is FC specifically? is it no miss, full combo, or S rank?
2021年6月11日 · osu! is a rhythm game based on the gameplay of a variety of popular commercial rhythm games such as Osu ...
Easy/Easiest 7* FC? : r/osugame - Reddit
2019年7月29日 · hos do I tell you, the maps you put in your post are the easiest ones (specifically rover) there is also ILY which is pretty easy (was my first 7* fc), pop/stars reform diff with DT (255bpm 40 secs), kimi no bouken (both sets, although they're kinda hard for me but might be easy for you), that new jojo map (not sure if it gives the medal, its 7* flat)