FN FAL自動步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
FAL (法語: Fusil Automatique Légère(英語:Light Automatic Rifle ), 直译: “轻型自动步枪”)是由 比利時 埃斯塔勒国营工厂 (FN)設計的一款使用 7.62×51毫米口径北约弹 的 戰鬥步槍。 FAL是世界上著名步槍之一,曾是大量 西方国家 的制式裝備,有“ 自由世界 的右臂”之称。 FAL自動步槍源於 第二次世界大戰 結束後 英國 新的步槍研製計劃。 最初FAL全自動原型槍設計使用 德國 StG44突擊步槍 的 7.92×33毫米 中間型威力槍彈,根據 英國 的要求改成7毫米口徑(7×43 …
FN FAL - Wikipedia
The FAL (French: Fusil Automatique Léger, English: Light Automatic Rifle) is a battle rifle designed in Belgium by Dieudonné Saive and manufactured by FN Herstal and others since 1953. During the Cold War the FAL was adopted by many countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), with the notable exception of the United States.
DSA OSW (Operational Specialist Weapon) - TheGunZone
2024年10月1日 · The FAL Operational Specialist Weapon (OSW) is a shortened version of the standard FAL model, with a few changes. It has a 11-inch barrel, a para-folding stock, and a muzzle brake. Let’s get into the details!
Barrett XM109 - Wikipedia
The Barrett XM109, originally known as the Objective Sniper Weapon (OSW) and now called the Anti-Materiel Payload Rifle (AMPR), is a prototype anti-materiel sniper rifle. It is chambered for 25 × 59 mm grenade rounds and was developed by Barrett Firearms Manufacturing .
新品 - VFC LAR OSW MK1 世界上第一把 LAR GBBR
2025年2月6日 · 原廠型號:vf2-osw-bk01 使用動力:Gas瓦斯動力 (建議使用12kg瓦斯) 系統結構:GBB氣動槍 (Gas BlowBack),射擊時槍機擬真覆進
VFC LAR OSW MK1 GBB Airsoft ( SA58 / DSA / FAL )
The LAR OSW MK1 GBBR offers a satisfying mechanical operation, strong recoil, and realistic features like a bolt stop & non-BBs fire function. Its well-crafted dummy bolt design, enlarged nozzle, steel components, and precision fire control system deliver an authentic shooting and handling experience.
原廠型號:vf2-osw-bk01 使用動力:Gas瓦斯動力 (建議使用12kg瓦斯) 系統結構:GBB氣動槍 (Gas BlowBack),射擊時槍機擬真覆進
SA58 OSW - For Sale :: Shop Online - Guns.com
Search the Guns.com database to shop for guns, ammo, mags, optics and more. Filter products to compare by specs and price. New and certified used handguns, shotguns, rifles...
DS Arms DSA SA58 FAL OSW Pistol 7.62 NATO 11 ... - Guns International
2011年5月10日 · The DS Arms FAL SA58 OSW pistol is based on our iconic OSW Short Barreled Rifle, just in a PISTOL configuration. The OSW pistol come with our 11" barrel threaded 5/8x24, ambidextrous magazine release, SAW Style Pistol Grip, Extended Winter Trigger Guard, Dual Aperture Rear Sight , short length 1913 Spec. Picatinny Rail Handguard and a side ...
DS ARMS- DSA For SALE - AtlanticFirearms.com
Here at Atlantic Firearms you will find a wide variety of D.S. Arms rifles, pistols and carbines. There are 25 products. DS Arms rifles and pistols for sale. We have a wide range of DSA …