Standards of Practice for Occupational Therapy
2021年12月24日 · Various issues and supplements of the American Journal of Occupational Therapy contain documents that clarify and support occupational therapy practice; these documents are reviewed and updated on an ongoing basis for their applicability. This document defines minimum standards for the practice of occupational therapy.
The American Journal of Occupational Therapy | American …
AJOT ’s State of the Journal (2024) is now available! The journal maintains its top-ranked status in the field of occupational therapy based on an increase in its five-year impact factor. Key outcomes for 2024 showcase the journal’s breadth and depth.
香港职业治疗学院 - hkiot.org
世界作业治疗师联盟(WFOT):建立全球互联的专业. 6. 成都地区康复发展愿景与使命:重建生活为本. 7. 健康与幸福:如何达到此重要的作业治疗目标. 8. 复能—理论篇. 9. 老年作业治疗业务的开展. 10. 长者预防保健与健康促进. 11. 心脏急性期康复中职能治疗的角色及介入. 12. 质量与可持续发展. 13. 作业治疗是毕生的志业. 14. 日本照护机器人的开发与普及:作业治疗师的角色. 15. 创伤:塑造作业治疗的过去与未来. 16. 偏瘫上肢肌张力中枢控制及作业技能再学习理论与疗效. …
OT Practice Magazine - AOTA
2022年2月1日 · OT Practice offers essential insights into practice trends that you can't get anywhere else. Articles include hands-on techniques, policy updates, career advice, job opportunities, and more. Explore the perspectives and solutions shared by practitioners that can inform the life-changing care you provide across your career.
Occupational Therapy for the Long Haul of Post-COVID …
2021年7月12日 · Using evidence-based practice strategies, this case report describes occupational therapy evaluation and treatment approaches, plan of care, and associated outcomes for one client experiencing long COVID symptoms in the outpatient setting.
Findings: Twenty-two studies met the inclusion criteria and were categorized into four themes on the basis of primary focus or type of intervention: physical activity, specific IADL-focused, cognitive rehabilitation, and individualized occupational therapy interventions. There were 9 Level 1b, 9 Level 2b, and 4 Level 3b studies.
Operación Triunfo (España) - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Operación Triunfo (conocido por sus siglas OT) es un programa de televisión, del género talent show musical, donde una serie de jóvenes entran a una academia musical para formarse y demostrar su talento para cantar.
AOTA, founded in 1917 and based in North Bethesda, Md., is the national professional association of approximately 60,000 occupational therapists, occupational therapy assistants, and occupational therapy students. The association, a 501(c)(6) entity, represents 213,000 U.S. occupational therapy practitioners and students.
October 2021 US Supreme Court Cases SCOTUSblog
2021年2月10日 · All U.S. Supreme Court cases listed for the 2021 term including issue, docket, opinion, argument, vote, proceedings, orders, and more
【灵一科普】康复训练之作业疗法(OT)_上肢 - 搜狐
2021年1月12日 · OT是作业治疗的英文缩写,全称叫Ocpationaltherapy。 OT康复训练主要针对患者的功能障碍,特别是上肢功能障碍,制定一些个体化的作业活动,重点来训练上肢功能以及日常生活能力,包括一些上肢的主动运动、被动运动、日常生活能力的训练,如穿衣服、洗漱、吃饭、上厕所、及其他一些家务活动等等,主要是训练患者独立生活能力,还有一些助行器的使用,比如手杖的使用、足托等。 所以 OT康复训练重点是训练上肢功能,以及生活能力方面。 “手是脑 …