OT 27 PZK - News
Z przyjemnością informujemy, że Oddział Terenowy OT-27 PZK zajął 3. miejsce w klasyfikacji oddziałów podczas współzawodnictwa SP Contest Maraton 2024, zdobywając 6846 punktów. …
OTs-27 Berdysh - Wikipedia
The OTs-27 Berdysh (Russian: ОЦ-27 Бердыш, lit. ' Bardiche ') is a Russian semi-automatic pistol developed in the early 1990s by TsKIB SOO as a candidate to replace the standard …
October 27 - Wikipedia
October 27 is the 300th day of the year (301st in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar ; 65 days remain until the end of the year. 312 – Constantine the Great is said to have received his …
OT-27: 高能量DPSS激光器 | Optitask公司 | 1.54mm泵浦二极管 | 空 …
2024年7月12日 · OT-27是Optitask公司的高能量 Q开关 1.54mm二极管泵浦固态(DPSS)激光器。 这种空气冷却的被动Q开关激光器是专门为高能量激光传输而设计的。 在-40oC至75oC的 …
Diode Laser Pumped Transmitters - Optitask LTD
Laser Transmitter OT-17(3017004) OT-27(3027004) OT-38(3038001) OT-38(3038002) OT-37(3037003) OT-46(3046001) Wave length: 1.54µm: 1.54µm: 1.54µm: 1.54µm: 1.54µm
Historical Events on October 27 - On This Day
2014年10月29日 · Historical events for the 27th of October. See what famous, interesting and notable events happened throughout history on October 27.
UM-1 vs OT-27 centre gear - RC10Talk - The Net's Largest Vintage …
2015年12月25日 · I'm looking for a centre gear for my Optima. I have a UM-1 package of gears which I think was left over from an Ultima. Looking at pics of the OT-27 gear set for the …
On This Day - What Happened on October 27 | Britannica
On This Day In History - October 27: anniversaries, birthdays, major events, and time capsules. This day's facts in the arts, politics, and sciences.
What Happened on October 27 - On This Day
2012年10月27日 · The Vision of the Cross, China's population hits 1 billion, the man who saved the world and other major events, facts, birthdays and deaths from October 27.
ソ連軍の戦車 1 - XREA(エクスリア)
ソ連の火炎放射戦車OT-27. T-27を改造して作られた火炎放射器を装備した車輌です。 ソ連で作られた最初の火炎放射戦車です。 1933年までに187輌が作られました。 火炎放射器の回数 …