Technical Specifications | Nozomi Networks
Review the technical specifications and hardware requirements for the Nozomi Networks OT and IoT security platform.
Guardian | OT Network Monitoring - Nozomi Networks
Quickly detect and disrupt advanced cyber threats and anomalous OT network behavior. Users get access to threat information such as Yara rules, packet rules, STIX indicators, threat definitions, and vulnerability signatures.
Nozomi Networks Guardian™ unlocks visibility across OT, IoT, and IT for accelerated security and digital transformation. Guardian reduces OT risks for the largest critical infrastructure, energy, manufacturing,
Data Sheets - Nozomi Networks
Find a certified Nozomi Networks partner in your country. Browse OT & IoT security research, guides, videos and more from the Nozomi Networks team. Explore our latest customer resources, including webinars, how-to videos, content packs and more. We keep critical infrastructure and operational technology cyber resilient. Verifying... Oops!
Guardian overview - Nozomi Networks
3 days ago · Guardian Air is a wireless security sensor for operational technology (OT) and Internet of Things (IoT) environments. It monitors in real-time activities from prominent wireless frequencies, to provide immediate visibility to connected assets and attack surfaces.
Guardian - Installation Guide - Nozomi Networks
Guardian is the main Nozomi Networks sensor. Guardian gives you the ability to automatically track your industrial control systems (ICS), operational technology (OT) and Internet of Things (IoT)/Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) assets. Guardian gives you instant visibility of your entire network. This lets you:
Guardian overview - technicaldocs.nozominetworks.com
4 days ago · Guardian is the main Nozomi Networks sensor. Guardian gives you the ability to automatically track your industrial control systems (ICS), operational technology (OT) and Internet of Things (IoT) / Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) assets. Guardian gives you instant visibility of your entire network. This lets you:
Virtual sensors for real-time OT/IoT visibility, cybersecurity and monitoring. Embedded container sensor for switches, routers and other security infrastructure. Fast, flexible deployment option that leverage your existing devices. Virtual Series Container Edition 1,000 - 40,000 Nodes Available for Guardian with the Smart Polling add-on module only
Nozomi Networks Guardian 産業制御システム(ICS)セキュリ …
Nozomi Networks Guardianは、製造業・電力・ガス・水道・化学・石油・工場などの産業制御システム(ICS)に対し資産管理、リアルタイムモニタリング、異常検知、脆弱性診断を提供いたします。 PLCとSCADAの間を流れるトラフィックに対してミラーポートからパッシブモニタリングを行い、DPI技術と学習技術を用いてトポロジーやデバイスを可視化、異常な挙動に対して自動検知を行います。 OTセキュリティ対策状況の無料自己問診型セルフチェック。 経産 …
Nozomi Networks 産業制御システムセキュリティ│nozomi製品 …
スレットインテリジェンスは、最新のOTおよびIoTの脅威と脆弱性のインテリジェンスを提供し、高度なサイバー脅威を検出し、脆弱性評価によるサイバーリスクがある資産を特定します。 アセットインテリジェンスは、豊富な資産プロファイル情報から資産を高精度に分類し、OTおよびIoT環境の学習プロセスを加速させ、リアルタイムでの潜在的に有害な動作をより迅速かつ正確に検出します。 スマートポーリングは、オペレーティングシステム、ファームウェア、パッ …
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