Why is OTs a good leaving group and how does it work?
Apr 23, 2017 · I've been told that OTs O T s is a good leaving group for substitution reactions, but I'm not sure how it works or why it is a good leaving group. Can someone please explain? Ts …
What does the "D" group represent on a chiral center?
Nov 19, 2012 · I am trying to figure out the configuration for this chiral carbon to answer a homework question, however they arbitrarily include a "D" group as shown in the image. My …
Why is pyridine used when making tosyl esters from alcohols?
Jan 31, 2015 · Tosyl chloride is used to make a hydroxyl group into a better leaving group. However, when the reaction of tosyl chloride and an alcohol occurs, a weak base such as …
organic chemistry - Why do tosylation and mesylation of alcohols …
Mar 11, 2016 · Why do the tosylation and mesylation of an alcohol proceed via different mechanisms? More specifically, In tosylation, the lone pair of the alcohol attacks the sulfur in …
Why do only some metals make protective oxide layers?
Apr 6, 2021 · Define protective? There are few oxide-forming metals that yield a robust, self-limiting oxide layer. There are some metals that don't oxidize at STP. Then there is everything …
How much can the pH change through dilution?
It can not be alkaline because the water is not really alkaline, more like neutral. But dilution in an alkaline solvent will easily make the solution alkaline. EDIT: seems my answer was not …
Why there is no change in water level when salt is added?
Jun 18, 2015 · When sodium chloride dissolves in water to make a saturated solution there is a 2.5 per cent reduction in volume. One would never notice that in a beaker. Even in an ordinary …
Why does ice water get colder when salt is added?
The OP said it more clearly: the freezing point of salt water is lower than the freezing point of pure water. Saying that the melting point of ice cubes changes when adding salt is a bit strange …
What factors could lower the voltage of a galvanic cell
Jan 20, 2016 · There are more factors to consider when determining the true voltage of the cell such as the development of overpotentials. 'In electrochemistry, overpotential is the potential …
Why do SN1 and SN2 reactions not occur at sp2 centres?
Jul 20, 2014 · I was told in my organic chemistry course that SN1 S N 1 and SN2 S N 2 reactions did not occur at sp2 sp 2 centres. When I asked why, I was not given a satisfactory …