OV-1: High Level Operational Concept Graphic - U.S. Department …
The OV-1 describes a mission, class of mission, or scenario. The purpose of OV-1 is to provide a quick, high-level description of what the architecture is supposed to do, and how it is supposed...
MODAF. OV-1 High-Level Operational Concept Graphic - No …
The purpose of High-level Operational Concept Graphic is to provide a high-level graphical and textual description of operational concept (high level organizations, missions, geographic configuration, connectivity, etc) of what the architecture is …
MODAF Software Guide - OV-1a - High-Level Operational Concept Graphic
2020年1月7日 · Visual Paradigm provides an easy-to-use, model-driven MODAF tool that supports the development of MODAF views and models. You can create integrated MODAF products and generate architectural documents that facilitate organizations to efficiently coordinate enterprise architecture initiatives.
[Withdrawn] MOD Architecture Framework - GOV.UK
2012年12月12日 · The MOD Architecture Framework (MODAF) meta model (M3) is the information model for MODAF, defining the structure of the underlying architectural information that is presented...
DoDAF的过程指南和建模工具-MBSE - 火龙果软件工程
2021年8月16日 · UAF目标是根据DoDAF(美国国防部架构框架),MODAF(英国国防部架构框架)和NAF(北大西洋公约组织架构框架)开发标准化且一致的军事领域的IT顶层架构。 UAF定义了一种表示IT顶层架构的方法,该体系结构使利益相关者能够集中精力关注组织中特定的领域,同时又能保持全局视野。 行:10个Domain,定义了体系架构有哪些描述的领域。 列:12个Aspect,定义了 采用哪些方面进行建模。 作为支持UML和SysML的主流建模工具EA,自然少 …
GitHub - lvzt/DoDAFCNTranslation: DoDAF 2.0 中文翻译
OV-1 – High-Level Operational Concept Graphic
2019年12月24日 · Visual Paradigm provides an easy-to-use, model-driven DoDAF tool that supports the development of DoDAF 2.02 views and models. You can create integrated DoDAF products and generate architectural documents that facilitate organizations to efficiently coordinate enterprise architecture initiatives.
scenario-based scope defined in an OV-1, High Level Operational Context Graphic. The Views are high-level and describe the vision, goals, enduring tasks and capabilities using terminology that is easily understood by non-technical readers, which may include the use of
典型案例 | 基于KARMA语言的作战体系模型构建 - 知乎
UPDM(Unified Profile for DoDAF/MoDAF)是对象管理组织(OMG)建立的一个针对美国国防部体系架构框架(DoDAF)和英国国防部体系架构框架(MoDAF)的UML行业建模标准,确保了多个工具供应商的广泛实施。
MODAF. OV-1 High-Level Operational Concept Graphic - No Magic
The purpose of High-level Operational Concept Graphic is to provide a high-level graphical and textual description of operational concept (high level organizations, missions, geographic configuration, connectivity, etc) of what the architecture is …