OVCAR-8细胞(人卵巢癌细胞)_思泰默细胞 - stemrecell.com
ovcar-8细胞系是人类卵巢癌细胞系,来源于一位 64 岁的女性患有高度卵巢浆液性腺癌。 OVCAR8细胞系是NCI-60细胞系的一部分,广泛用于药物筛选和分子靶点的鉴定研究。
Cellosaurus cell line OVCAR-8 (CVCL_1629)
Metallothionein gene expression and resistance to cisplatin in human ovarian cancer. Feasibility of a high-flux anticancer drug screen using a diverse panel of cultured human tumor cell lines. High resistance to cisplatin in human ovarian cancer cell lines is associated with marked increase of glutathione synthesis.
OVCAR-8 | Cell - PubChem
2022年1月5日 · Cell information for OVCAR-8. Find diseases associated with this biological target and compounds tested against it in bioassay experiments.
In vivo tumor growth of high-grade serous ovarian cancer cell lines
Rapid tumor formation was observed for OVCAR3, OVCAR5 and OVCAR8, but only OVCAR8 reliably formed ascites. Tumors derived from OVCAR3, OVCAR4, and OVKATE displayed papillary features. Of the 11 lines examined, three (Kuramochi, SNU119 and UWB1.289) were non-tumorigenic.
Cisplatin Resistant Spheroids Model Clinically Relevant Survival ...
2016年3月17日 · A 17 cisplatin resistance gene expression signature was associated with shorter survival across three independent datasets and distinguishes OVCAR-8R from OVCAR-8 cells. Genes up-regulated in OVCAR-8R spheroids are expressed higher in patients with shorter survival and vice-versa.
OVCAR-8/ADR是一个由OVCAR-8细胞株经阿霉素(Adriamycin, ADR)处理而获得的耐药细胞亚株。OVCAR-8细胞源自一名64岁女性患者的高级别卵巢浆液性腺癌,原始细胞用于开发该耐药性细胞系。OVCAR-8/ADR细胞株是通过长期暴露于阿霉素的选择压力下,逐渐建立的耐药模型。
人卵巢癌细胞系(ovcar-8)为卵巢癌的研究提供了重要的实验模型,常用于卵巢癌相关研究,涵盖 发病机制探索、抗癌药物筛选测试、耐药机制剖析以及为建立卵巢癌动物模型提供细胞来源等诸多方面。
OVCAR-8细胞系的来源是一名64岁高级别卵巢浆液性腺癌患者,这种细胞系属于NCI-60系列,广泛应用于药物筛选及分子靶点研究。 通过慢病毒转染荧光素酶基因,OVCAR-8/Luc细胞具备了荧光标记能力,因而在生物成像及药物筛选研究中具有重要应用价值。 为维持荧光素酶(LUC)标记的强度,建议在OVCAR8培养基中添加嘌呤霉素进行筛选。 OVCAR8细胞系可以通过慢病毒转染技术引入荧光素酶基因(LUC),使其具有荧光特性,适用于生物成像和药物筛选研究。 …
OVCAR-8 人卵巢癌细胞 - Cas9X
人卵巢癌细胞ovcar-8_tch-c445_mx201a5-20250205.pdf. 细胞名称: 人卵巢癌细胞. 细胞简称:ovcar-8. 产品货号: tch-c445. 种属来源:人. 组织来源: 卵巢. 疾病特征:卵巢癌. 细胞形态:上皮细胞样. 生长特性:贴壁生长. 培养体系:rpmi-1640+10% fbs+1% p/s. 配套培养基货号 ...
Ovarian cancer cell lines derived from non-serous carcinomas …
2019年4月2日 · Here, we use 10 epithelial ovarian cancer cell lines to investigate 2D migration, cell cycle parameters and 3D invasion behaviour into different substrates and find significant differences between...
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