The Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale (COWS) is an 11-item scale designed to be administered by a clinician. This tool can be used in both inpatient and outpatient settings to reproducibly rate common signs and symptoms of opiate withdrawal and monitor these symptoms over time.
阿片戒断症状评价量表 (OWS) - 百度文库
OWS 的统计指标有单项分和总分,单项分是根据原始记录评定的 0,I , II,Ⅲ级分别记 0、 1、2、3 分。 单项分的高低反映此项症状的严重程度。 总分为各单项分的总和,反映了阿片. f类药物戒断症状的严重程度,分数越高表示戒断症状越严重。 指导语:如停药或未按时使用药物.是否出现下列症状或体征? 说明:每项症状体征根据严重程度分为 0〜Ⅲ级:0=无任何症状/体征;Ⅰ=轻微或偶尔 出现的症状/体征,无须特殊治疗/处理;Ⅱ=中等程度的症状/体征,要求治疗;Ⅲ=严重的症 …
Opioid withdrawal scales - Guidelines for the Psychosocially …
NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. Guidelines for the Psychosocially Assisted Pharmacological Treatment of Opioid Dependence. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2009.
The Objective Opiate Withdrawal Scale (OOWS) provides an objective measure of the severity of opiate withdrawal symptoms. This tool may be used as part of initial assessment, for ongoing monitoring to assess their response to medication. The OOWS is frequently used when monitoring withdrawal using Buprenorphine.
阿片戒断症状量表 ( Opiate Withdrawal Scale,OWS)是由Bradley于1987年编制,主要用于对阿片类药物依赖戒断症状严重程度的评定, 该量表共32个条目,反映了阿片类戒断症状的基本分布,具有操作比较简单、切合实用的特点。
The Objective Opiate Withdrawal Scale (OOWS) is a 13 item clinical rating tool for assessing and monitoring opiate withdrawal symptoms.[2] The OOWS has been designed to complement the SOWS.
Objective Opiate Withdrawal Scale (OOWS) | The Academy
Contains 13 physically observable signs, rated present or absent, based on a rater’s timed observation of the patient.
阿片戒断症状量表-常笑医学网 - cxmed.cn
[1] Bradley BP, Gossop M, Phillips GT, et al. The development of an opiate withdrawal scale (OWS). British Journal of Addiction, 1987, 82: 1139-1142. [2] 刘志民, 曹家琪, 史凡, 等. 盐酸二氢埃托啡滥用的流行病学研究. 中国药物依赖性通报, 1995, 4 (4): 223-231. [3] Liu ZM, Zhou WH, Lian Z, et al. Drug dependence and abuse potential of tramadol. Acta Pharmacol Sin ...
Observe the patient during a 5 minute observation period then indicate a score for each of the opioid withdrawal signs listed below (items 1-13). Add the scores for each item to obtain the total score.
Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale For each item, circle the number that best describes the patient’s signs or symptom. Rate on just the apparent relationship to opiate withdrawal. For example, if heart rate is increased because the patient was jogging just prior to assessment, the increase pulse rate would not add to the score...