Obad-Hai - Great Library of Greyhawk
Obad-Hai is the god of Nature, Woodlands, Freedom, Hunting, and Beasts, one of the most ancient known. He is also considered to be the god of summer by the Flan. Originally a Flan deity, Obad-Hai is most favored by druids and other nature priests. His holy symbol is a mask of oak leaves and acorns.
Obad-hai, a D&D 5e deity | Gods and Deities | The Thieves Guild
Obad-Hai is the deity of nature. He is a patron of druids and a friend to those who dwell in harmony with their natural surroundings. Characters or creatures who despoil or wantonly harm either animal or vegetable life are his foes. Obad-Hai's faith has developed mainly in wooded regions under human dominance.
Canon:Obad-Hai - Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
2013年11月20日 · In the World of Greyhawk campaign setting and the 3rd Edition default pantheon of deities for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, Obad-Hai is the god of Nature, Woodlands, Hunting, and Beasts, one of the most ancient known. He is often called the Shalm. He is also considered to be the god of summer by the Flan.
Obad-Hai – Deities – D&D Tools
Obad-Hai, the god of nature, is neutral. He is known as the Shalm. Obad-Hai rules nature and the wilderness, and he is a friend to all who live in harmony with the natural world. Barbarians, rangers, and druids sometimes worship him. The domains he is associated with are Air, Animal, Earth, Fire, Plant, and Water.
欧拜·亥擅长演奏一种名为萧姆管(一种双簧木管乐器)的乐器,并以之为自己的头衔。 他也经常带着一根木杖在身边。 欧拜·亥统治着自然与 荒野,而且,他是所有有意与自然和谐共处的人的朋友。 他期望他的追随者们能够这样,与自然中所有的东西和谐共处,各取所需。 欧拜·亥说,那些破坏自然或做了其他伤害了自然的事的人;定当立刻受到适度的报复。 对那些独自在旷野中生活的人来说,自然其实没什么可怕的,虽然确实有些笨蛋有些时候在旷野中遇到了些危险。 在那些 …
Obad-Hai Myth in Heroes of Greyhawk | World Anvil
Obad-Hai is the god of Nature, Woodlands, Freedom, Hunting, and Beasts, one of the most ancient known. He is also considered to be the god of summer by the Flan. Originally a Flan deity, Obad-Hai is most favored by druids and other nature priests. His holy symbol is a mask of oak leaves and acorns.
Obad-Hai – Deities – D&D Tools - Ark Alseif
Obad-Hai (oh-bod-high), deity of nature, is most often shown as a lean and weathered man of indeterminately old age, dressed in brown or russet and looking like a hermit, although nonhuman communities depict him as one of their own race. Because Obad-Hai strictly adheres to neutrality, he is a rival of Ehlonna.
Obad-Hai - Greyhawk Wiki
2011年8月16日 · Obad-Hai is the god of Nature, Woodlands, Freedom, Hunting, and Beasts, one of the most ancient known. He is also considered to be the god of summer by the Flan. Originally a Flan deity, Obad-Hai is most favored by druids and other nature priests. His holy symbol is a mask of oak leaves and acorns.
Obad-Hai | NWNWiki | Fandom
Obad-Hai is an ancient deity of nature, perhaps the eldest next to Tharizdun. He was worshipped long before the arrival of the Aerdi in the Flannaess, and is still held in high esteem in rustic areas throughout the Flanaess. The goddess Ehlonna has usurped his role in the central regions, a deed that has not gone unnoticed by his worshippers.
Obad-Hai - The Draconus Dictum
Obad-Hai (oh-bod- high ), deity of nature, is most often shown as a lean and weathered man of indeterminately old age, dressed in brown or russet and looking like a hermit, although nonhuman communities depict him as one of their own kind.