The OCD Workbook: Your Guide to Breaking Free from Obsessive-Compulsive ...
2010年11月1日 · Whether you suffer with OCD or a related disorder, such as body dysmorphic disorder or trichotillomania, let this new edition of The OCD Workbook be your guide on the path to recovery.
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Amazon.com: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD): Books
Online shopping for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) from a great selection at Books Store.
Automotive Diagnostic Systems: Understanding OBD-I & OBD-II
2011年7月21日 · Keith McCord recounts the history of automotive onboard diagnostic systems and creation of the rudimentary OBD I systems and the development as well as the evolution of OBD II. Currently, OBD-II (OnBoard Diagnostic II) is the standard of the industry, and this book provides a thorough explanation of this system.
Download Automotive Diagnostic Systems: Understanding OBD-I …
2020年8月14日 · In this revised edition, author Keith McCord recounts the history of automotive onboard diagnostic systems, the creation of the rudimentary OBD-I systems, and the development and evolution of OBD-II. Currently, OBD-II is the industry standard, and this book provides a thorough explanation of this system.
15 Best OCD Books - Choosing Therapy
2023年6月9日 · Here are the top 15 books on obsessive compulsive disorder: 1. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Demystified: An Essential Guide for Understanding and Living with OCD, by Cheryl Carmin. Dr. Carmin’s thoughtful, compassionate writing helps demystify a lot of the fears and concerns of OCD.
2018年11月6日 · 金弗康科研团队专注于生物信息分析,科研外包服务,自主研发的omicsbean 生物云平台上线近两年时间,已经有30多家高校和研究所使用该软件平台发表sci文章,总影响因子达到124.147,其中最高影响因子26.9。 金弗康生物科技致力于大数据产业自动化和智能化解决方案,是上海市科创板挂牌企业(300151),高新技术企业以及大数据专项建设承担企业,依托自主研发的基因检测工业化系统,整合上下游优质基因检测和健康干预管理产品,成为国内基因检测 …
Book, Automotive Diagnostic Systems: Understanding OBD-I
Keith McCord recounts the history of automotive onboard diagnostic systems and creation of the rudimentary OBD I systems and the development as well as the evolution of OBD II. Currently, OBD-II (Onboard Diagnostic II) is the standard of the industry, and this book provides a thorough explanation of this system.
obcdc 开发说明-V4.1.0-OceanBase 数据库文档-分布式数据库使用 …
obcdc 是 C++ 编写,编译产出物为动态库,下游消费程序开发时需要依赖动态库和头文件(libobcdc.h、ob_errno.h)。 obcdc 依赖 oceanbase-ce-libs 包,可以通过 软件中心 进行下载安装。 安装完成后执行 ldd ./libobcdc.so 命令,检查本地是否有缺少的动态库,如果有缺少,请保证所有依赖库都在本地,并为使用 libobcdc 的程序配置 LD_LIBRARY_PATH 保证 obcdc 可以正常连接,例如 oceanbase-ce-libs 中的 libmariadb.so.3。 libobcdc.h 中有详细的接口说明,您可以 …
OBD-I & OBD-II: A Complete Guide to Diagnosis, Repair, and …
2023年6月9日 · OBD-I & OBD-II: A Complete Guide to Diagnosis, Repair, & Emissions Compliance is an insider's guide to modern original equipment manufacturer (OEM) diagnostics systems.
- 4.4/5(18)
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