OBCD: What is the viral TikTok slang all about? Who made it
2023年3月17日 · On TikTok, OBCD stands for obesity. In contrast to various other famous acronyms like GYAT, OF, and others, Nikocado Avocado, a YouTube personality, made this phrase famous as a joke. The phrase gained fame when Nikocado displayed his pantry, which had a variety of noodle flavors.
TikTok ‘OBCD’ Meaning: What Does It Mean and Stand For?
2023年3月13日 · What does ‘OBCD’ mean on TikTok? “OBCD” means “Obesity combined with OCD.” Creators commonly use “OBCD” when referring to their weight and how well-organized they are when it comes to their...
What Does 'OBCD' Mean On TikTok? The Viral Slang Term Explained
2023年3月13日 · What Does 'OBCD' Mean? To learn what OBCD means, all you really have to do is say the acronym out loud. When spoken, the letters "OBCD" sound like the word "obesity" and that's exactly how the term is used online. It's a funny way to say "obesity" that combines the word with the acronym "OCD," which stands for "obsessive-compulsive disorder."
4 Foods to Manage OCD - Psych Central
2022年4月26日 · Research suggests that various nutritional deficiencies, such as zinc and vitamin B, are present in people with mental health conditions like OCD. Here are foods that can help....
为EDI程序分配总账科目和税码 – 第 2 页 – 枫竹丹青SAP学习与分享
在此注意,接收方的国家可以为空值,当为空值时,则先于特定国家的取值,当有多个国家时会出现错误匹配,故建议国家不要维护成空值。 (R/O列:R必输;O选输。 表3 示例数据. 表4 操作路径. 操作方法有两种: 在前台执行事务码OBCD进入。 进入后如图 6所示,点击“新条目”按钮()。 图 6 概览. 新添一个条目如图 7,注意税率小数点后面3个0。 图 7 新添条目. 条目确认后如图 8所示,按保存按钮()即可。 图 8 概览(新条目已在其中) 要发表评论,您必须先 登录。
OBCD - Slang/Internet Slang - Acronym Finder
What does OBCD stand for? Your abbreviation search returned 4 meanings. Sort results: alphabetical | rank ? showing only Slang/Internet Slang definitions (show all 4 definitions) Note: We have 1 other definition for OBCD in our Acronym Attic. 2 definitions of OBCD. Definition of OBCD in Slang/Internet Slang. What does OBCD stand for?
2025年2月12日 · Share your videos with friends, family, and the world
2018年11月6日 · 金弗康科研团队专注于生物信息分析,科研外包服务,自主研发的omicsbean 生物云平台上线近两年时间,已经有30多家高校和研究所使用该软件平台发表sci文章,总影响因子达到124.147,其中最高影响因子26.9。 金弗康生物科技致力于大数据产业自动化和智能化解决方案,是上海市科创板挂牌企业(300151),高新技术企业以及大数据专项建设承担企业,依托自主研发的基因检测工业化系统,整合上下游优质基因检测和健康干预管理产品,成为国内基因检测 …
OBCD - Definition by AcronymFinder
What does OBCD stand for? OBCD abbreviation. Define OBCD at AcronymFinder.com.
Is Compulsive Overeating OCD? - OCD Center of Los Angeles
2009年11月24日 · Binge Eating Disorder, also known as ‘”compulsive overeating”, can perhaps best be described as a condition in which one periodically consumes extremely large amounts of food. Kimberley Quinlan, MFT, Clinical Director of the OCD Center of Los Angeles, discusses Binge Eating Disorder and its treatment with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).