MACH MAL mit OBI – DIY Projekte und Bastelideen
Hier findest du viele große und kleine Ideen, um die eigenen vier Wände in echte Lieblingsorte zu verwandeln. Vom wilden Dschungelraum über ein gemütliches Funkelzimmer bis hin zur Gaming Höhle. Auf der Suche nach etwas Selbstgemachtem zum Verschenken, einem aufregenden Outdoor Projekt oder einer kreativen Beschäftigung während der Ferien?
欧洲工具丨德国五金建材超市全篇 - 知乎
今天的Hornbach Baumarkt AG是一家德国 DIY连锁店,提供所有的家居装修和相关的DIY产品。 目前在欧洲九个国家共经营 161 家 DIY 大型商超,设有花园中心和网上商店,其中 96 家商超位于德国(加上:奥地利、荷兰、捷克共和国、卢森堡、瑞士、瑞典、斯洛伐克和 ...
Making My Own Obi From Scratch — SJA Study Japanese in …
2022年9月29日 · I’m Anna, and I’m writing to you today to tell you about my process of learning how to make an 帯 (obi)! One of the things I love most about learning Japanese is how excited people get to share their own experiences and pieces of the culture with me whenever it …
How to make an OBI Belt aka Japanese Sash - Sew Guide
2020年11月20日 · An Obi belt is a Sash belt, traditionally used to tie around Japanese Kimonos, called the Kimono Obi belt. Today, in modern usage, it is a versatile, waist clinching wrap around belt that you can wear with any of your dresses. You can …
How to Sew an Obi - YouTube
This video will show you how to make a hanhaba obi (半幅帯) with any fabrics you like. I talk about sizes and also what fabrics are good to make an obi. Further, you can see how to make a heko...
DIY Obi Style Belt: Downloadable Pattern and Video Tutorial Inside!
2024年10月7日 · The Obi belt is a timeless accessory that transcends trends. Originating from Japan, this wide, sash-like belt is a functional piece and a stylish statement that cinches the waist elegantly. With our DIY guide, you can customize your Obi belt to reflect your style—from bold patterns to sophisticated neutrals, the possibilities are endless!
DIY Obi Belt Tutorial |Fashion, Lifestyle, and DIY - Blogger
2012年3月17日 · I wanted to share a tutorial on how I made my obi belt so below you will find a printable pattern on 8.5" x 11 paper that you can tape together (will take you less then 5 minutes) and a printable instruction page.
DIY Obi Belt Tutorial (with FREE pattern) — igho eferere
2019年11月13日 · Hey DIY Fam, this time we will be learning how to make an obi belt or TWO obi belts, actually. Plus there's a FREE pattern download! Yay!!!
DIY Obi Belt Tutorial (with FREE pattern) - YouTube
2019年10月23日 · Hey DIY Fam, this time we will be learning how to make an obi-belt or TWO obi-belts, actually. Plus a FREE pattern download! Yay!!!
OBI Baumarkt - YouTube
Hey, willkommen auf dem offiziellen OBI YouTube-Kanal! 🧡 Hier findest du wertvolle Tipps & Tricks, Tutorial-Videos und richtig viel Expertenwissen. Alles für deine kleinen und großen Projekte!