OBI Baumarkt & Onlineshop - alles für Heim, Haus, Garten und Bau
Hier findest du neben den passenden Produkten für deine Projekte im OBI Onlineshop zusätzlich alle Informationen über aktuelle Angebote, Services und Sortimente sowie Veranstaltungen und natürlich die Öffnungszeiten unserer OBI Märkte in ganz Deutschland. Unser OBI Kernsortiment umfasst sechs zentrale Shop-Kategorien:
Dein Baumarkt in der Nähe | Alle OBI Märkte in Deutschland
Alle OBI Märkte in Deutschland Als Nummer eins der deutschen Baumarkt- und Heimwerkerbranche stehen wir dir selbstverständlich auch online jederzeit zur Seite. Hier …
OBI (retail chain) - Wikipedia
OBI GmbH & Co. Deutschland KG is a German multinational home improvement supplies retailing company. It is headquartered in Wermelskirchen and operates 668 stores in Europe , of which 351 are in Germany.
OBI corporate website
OBI has been an iconic part of the international do-it-yourself landscape since 1970. More than 50 years later, orange blood flows through the veins of 40,000 employees across 10 European countries as well as in Asia – and OBI has long been more than just a DIY store.
德国欧倍德公司 - 百度百科
创建于1970年的德国OBI欧倍德公司,是国际上最先创建居民庭装饰市场的著名跨国连锁集团,全球连锁店超过450家,遍布欧洲和中国等12个国家。 企业规模名列德国第一、世界第四。 OBI欧倍德的控股公司是德国零售业巨子--廷格尔曼集团 (Tenglemann Group)。 该集团在全球的分支机构超过7000家,是世界第二大私人企业,其在美分支机构A&P是世界500强企业之一。 三十多年来,凭借其日臻完善的服务和为世界DIY市场发展所做出的杰出贡献,OBI欧倍德赢得了消费者 …
Best Hardware Stores in Germany – DIY [2025] - Live In Germany
2024年12月16日 · OBI. OBI was launched back in 1960 and right now ranks as the 4th best hardware store in Germany, owning nearly 668 branches and almost 351 franchises scattered across Germany. OBI maintains a rating or grade of 2.0 (Good). OBI very professionally maintained its reputation for selling branded products at appropriate rates.
OBI | Group Sourcing GmbH
OBI Group Sourcing GmbH is responsible for ensuring that goods are not only available in over 640 stationary OBI stores across Europe, but also consistently meet high quality standards. Additionally, it supplements the portfolio provided through OBI online stores and the digital customer platform heyOBI.
Obi (Baumarkt) – Wikipedia
Die Obi Group Holding SE & Co. KGaA (Eigenschreibweise: OBI) ist eine europaweit tätige deutsche Baumarkt - Handelskette mit Sitz in Wermelskirchen.
欧洲工具丨德国五金建材超市全篇 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
OBI GmbH & Co. Deutschland KG是一家德国跨国建材,家装公司。 它的总部位于Wermelskirchen,在欧洲经营着 668 家门店,其中 351 家位于德国。 几乎已成为德国建材装饰零售市场的代名词。 OBI 于 1970 年由Emil Lux、Manfred Maus和Klaus Birker 创立,第一家 OBI商店在汉堡波本比特尔的 Alstertal 购物中心开业。 1985 年,Tengelmann Group收购了OBI的多数股权,2007 年通过购买Lux创始家族的股份增加了该份额。 成功控股OBI。 OBI还与瑞士最大的 …
Company – OBI | Group Sourcing GmbH
MORE THAN 100 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE. UNITED FOR A STRONG FUTURE. The German entrepreneur Emil Lux started manufacturing and selling tools back in 1919. His company later became the cornerstone of OBI, which played a key role …
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