This action requires replacement of the existing Electronic Control Box (ECB), incorporating its On Board Replaceable Module (OBRM) programmed with originally approved software version 2.0.2 or 3.2 with improved software version 4.1, or replacement of the existing OBRM of the ECB programmed with version 2.0.2 or version 3.2 with a new OBRM progr...
software version 4.1, ECB becomes P/N 4500003G. Note : For all aircraft AIRBUS INDUSTRIE A319, A320 or A321 models equipped with APIC APS 3200 APU, the installation of the OBRM incorporating software 4.1. is covered by aircraft modification
Open market operations - European Central Bank
We use open market operations to steer interest rates, to manage the amount of liquidity in the financial system and to signal our monetary policy stance.
What is OBRM on Airbus A320? (On Board Replaceable Module)
2023年8月4日 · The On Board Replaceable Module (OBRM) is an essential component of the Airbus A320 aircraft, playing a crucial role in its maintenance and operational Home Aviation General
【机务频道】部件类EO改装中的OBRM卡控制 - 搜狐
2017年8月20日 · OBRM :On-Boarld Replaceable Module(机上可更换模件)。其形状与录像带相似,是一块一块的模块,每块都标有件、序号,通常称为“OBRM卡”。OBRM卡插在部件里面的插槽里,是部件的子部件,可更换。 OBRM卡里存储了部件的软件内容、部件的程序、控制规则等 …
请问320飞机上的OBRM卡是什么东西,有什么作用,谢谢A320系 …
2011年5月10日 · 现在的大部分lru都有obrm,就是储存有软件的模块,航线可更换,甚至短停都可以完成,比单纯用装载机装软件快。 回复 支持 反对 使用道具 举报
European Central Bank
The European Central Bank (ECB) is the central bank of the European Union countries which have adopted the euro. Our main task is to maintain price stability in the euro area and so preserve the purchasing power of the single currency.
An operational risk incident is defined as an event which has had, or could have had (“near miss”), a negative financial, business or reputational impact on the ECB. When should I report an incident? Questions to ask yourself: Did/ could the incident affect your BA’s deliverables (e.g. delay, outage, reduced quality)?
The European Central Bank (ECB) - European Parliament
The European Central Bank (ECB) is the central institution of the Economic and Monetary Union, and has been responsible for monetary policy in the euro area since 1 January 1999. The ECB and all EU national central banks constitute the European System of Central Banks (ESCB). The primary objective of the ESCB is to maintain price stability.
Ongoing model monitoring - Europa
It also serves as an important input for the ECB’s assessment of the regulatory compliance of internal models. To ensure a level playing field, the ECB requires significant institutions to provide specific data on the validation of internal models used to …