About the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI)
The Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI - © 1999 Kim S. Cameron), developed by Kim Cameron and Robert Quinn at the University of Michigan, is a validated research …
组织文化评价量表 - MBA智库百科
2014年10月27日 · 组织文化评价量表(OCAI)是由美国密西根大学商学院的罗伯特·E·奎因(Robert E. Quinn)教授和凯斯西部保留大学商学院的金·S·卡梅隆(Kim S. Cameron)教授在长期研究组织文化的基础上,开发出来的测量组织文化的量表。
组织文化评估工具OCAI使用手册 - Dr_Andrea
2021年5月27日 · OCAI是一个快速作答的在线文化调查,可在15-20分钟内完成,支持19种语言。 其包含了有关文化的六方面评估,这六个方面能够可靠地反应一个组织的文化状态。 在过去30年里,OCAI经历了超过10000家公司的充分研究和验证。 OCAI的理论基础为竞争价值观框架(Competing Values Framework,CVF)。 CVF源于组织效能评估的研究,该研究发现了两个造成组织效能差异的维度:内部导向—外部导向;稳定性—灵活性; 首先,内部导向—外部导 …
OCAI — Kim S. Cameron
Kim S Cameron is the creator of the widely-used Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI), the Management Skills Assessment Instrument (MSAI), and others listed below, which are based on the Competing Values Framework.
企业/组织文化诊断的经典模型和工具 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
OCAI(Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument),组织文化量表由美国密西根大学商学院的 罗伯特·奎恩 教授(组织文化定量学派的代表人物)和凯斯西部保留大学商学院的 金·S·卡梅隆 教授研发。
Organization Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) - the most widely-used culture assessment in the world. Developed and copyrighted by Kim S Cameron, the OCAI is based upon the Competing Values Framework: identified as one of the top 40 most important frameworks in the history of business.
The Organizational Cultural Assessment Instrument (OCAI) is a psychometric tool developed by Cameron and Quinn (2006). Its purpose is to help organizations identify their current and preferred
OCAI online to assess Organizational Culture
We provide the OCAI tool online to check and improve your organizational culture. Our services include the online OCAI survey with do-it-yourself Work Kits, video training, books, workshops and consulting. Our partner consultants offer facilitation in many locations.
The Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) is a validated tool for assessing organizational culture, developed by Robert Quinn and Kim Cameron at the University of Michigan. The purpose of the OCAI is to assess six key dimensions of organizational culture.
OCAI企业文化量表 - 百度百科
组织文化评价量表(OCAI)是由美国密西根大学商学院的罗伯特·奎恩(Robert E. Quinn)教授和凯斯西部保留大学商学院的金·S·卡梅隆(Kim S. Cameron)教授在长期研究组织文化的基础上,开发出来的测量组织文化的量表。