OCAR - U.S. Army Reserve
As a principal member of the Army Staff, the Chief of Army Reserve (CAR) is responsible for advising the Secretary of the Army and the Chief of Staff of the Army on all Army...
LEADERSHIP - U.S. Army Reserve
Click HERE for the OCAR Distinguished Visitor Notification of Visit Form. Attach DV bio to pdf form or add DV bio to email. Subject : DV NOV for (Rank/Name) for the USARC Distinguished Visitor...
Office of the Chief, Army Reserve - Wikipedia
The Office of the Chief of Army Reserve (OCAR) is located at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, and provides the Chief of Army Reserve (CAR) with a staff of functional advisors who develop and execute Army Reserve plans, policies and programs, plus administer Army …
History of OCAR - U.S. Army Reserve
One of its functions is to write the official history of the Army Reserve. This history not only provides a comprehensive account of Army Reserve activities in peace and war, but also serves as...
Mr. Stephen “Sully” Sullivan > U.S. Army Reserve > Article View
Mr. Stephen “Sully” Sullivan was selected to the Senior Executive Service in August 2019. Since June 2021, he is serving as the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Director for Resources,...
DVIDS - Office of the Chief, Army Reserve
Army Reserve at a Glance provides an overview of the Army Reserve economic impact by state, enhances awareness of Army Reserve capabilities and...
The Office of the Chief Army Reserve (OCAR) consists of a specialized staff of advisors responsible for the development and execution of the Army...
Maj. Gen. Robert D. Harter confirmed as the next Chief of Army …
2024年8月2日 · The U.S. Army announced Aug. 1, 2024, that the U.S. Senate has confirmed Maj. Gen. Robert D. Harter for promotion to lieutenant general and assignment in the dual role of Chief of Army Reserve...
ARAMP ::: Search for a UIC - United States Army
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Home - General Officer Management Office - gomo.army.mil
2024年11月15日 · To perform executive level human resources management for the Army's general officer corps in support of the Army and Department of Defense senior leaders decisions. Contact GOMO Regular Army