Satellitbilleder fra Grønland | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut - DMI
Satellitbilleder fra områder langs Grønlands kyster. Billederne opdateres flere gange dagligt. Satellitbillederne leveres af Universitetet i Dundee, Skotland (de grønne billeder) og af NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. NOAA billederne er infrarøde billeder fra DMI's egne modtagestationer.
Ocean og Is | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut
Velkommen to DMI Ocean og Is. Du er på DMIs hjemmeside for marin information. Her finder du oplysning om havets tilstand nu og i den nære fremtid. DMIs marine kerneomrøder er stormflodsvarsling, iskortlægning, bølger, havstrømme, havovervågning fra satellit, havets klima og …
Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut - DMI
Welcome to DMI Ocean and Ice. This DMI marine services homepage aims to provide information about the state of the sea at present, and for the near future. DMIs core marine activities are storm surge warnings, ice charting, waves, ocean currents, satellite surveillance, ocean climate and marine data.
Ocean - research.dmi.dk
2019年9月30日 · DMI’s oceanography research is knowledge-based and service-driven, aiming at solving challenges in providing high quality marine service on marine forecasting, storm surge warning, marine navigation, offshore oil and gas exploitation especially in ice-infested waters, offshore wind energy, marine climate change and coastal adaptation and ...
Download Climate Timeseries: AMO SST: NOAA Physical Sciences …
The time-series webpages associaed with the GCOS Surfac Pressure are being taken down. They are being replaced with in the location PSL Monthly Time-series.
Dipole Mode Index (DMI) Monthly Time-series - National Oceanic …
Dipole Mode Index (DMI) Monthly Time-series Describes SST gradient in Indian ocean. Correlation of annual DMI time-series with Annual SST from the HadISST1.1 SST dataset for 1870-2021.
Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) Open Data Forecasts
DMI forecast data consist of various models where each model contains different set of parameters relating to a specific domain like ocean (WAM), storm flooding (DKSS) or weather (HARMONIE) Update Frequency
Danish Meteorological Institute - DMI – JPI Climate
DMIs core marine activities are storm surge warnings, ice charting, waves, ocean currents, satellite surveillance, ocean climate and marine data. Marine focus areas are the North Sea, the Baltic, Greenland/Arctic and Faroese waters.
Danish Meteorological Institute - Mercator Océan - Ocean …
DMI ocean model are regional: they cover a limited body of water. They analyse sea water in the North Sea, the Baltic Sea, the Danish Waters and the Greenland Waters. Address: Lyngbyvej 100, 2100, Copenhaguen, Denmark. More information on their website.
DMI Ocean and Ice [Model Animations]
Ocean and Ice - Danish Meteorological Institute - Sankt Kjelds Plads 11 - 2100 Copenhagen Ø - Denmark. Phone: +45 39 15 75 00 -
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