S-MODE Shipboard uCTD and EcoCTD Measurements Version 1
This dataset contains shipboard Underway conductivity, temperature, and depth (UCDT) measurements taken during the Sub-Mesoscale Ocean Dynamics Experiment (S-MODE) field campaign. The experiment was conducted approximately 300 km offshore of San Francisco, during a pilot campaign that spanned two weeks in October 2021, and two intensive ...
The Underway Conductivity–Temperature–Depth Instrument
2007年11月1日 · We call this system the Underway Conductivity–Temperature–Depth (UCTD) instrument. Before presenting the UCTD, it is worthwhile to discuss briefly the characteristics of towed winged vehicles, tow-yo profilers, and expendable profilers. The advantages and disadvantages of each system in typical use are highlighted.
The UCTD consists of a custom low-drag, high-accuracy, retrievable Sea-Bird CTD probe, high-speed winch with levelwind, line rewinder unit, and davit. The probe yields high-quality CTD measurements to over 400 meters depth. It can be operated at ship speeds up to 20 knots. The UCTD is ideal for both research applications and hydrographic sound
UCTD系统及其关键技术介绍 Introduction of UCTD and Its Key …
2015年7月11日 · 鉴于此,美国的斯克里普斯海洋研究所开发了一种低成本、结构紧凑的在航cTD剖面测量系统( ucTD) [ 1] ,其体积小、系统结构简单、安装和使用方便,既可用于专业调查船,也可用于志愿船和机会船;造价较低且可回收以重复使用,从而大大降低了每一剖面测量的 ...
走航式温盐深剖面仪(UCTD) - shallow-sea.com
温盐深探头通过高强度线缆连接船载布放单元,在船只航行的状态下,通过独立的绞盘和绕线设备,可实现探头重复回收和布放。 独特的自由落体温盐深探头可提供垂直剖面数据,最大深度超过1000米。
Underway Conductivity-Temperature-Depth Probe (UCTD)
2025年2月21日 · The CTD probe measures conductivity and temperature along a vertical transect through the water body.
第四節、近代使用的一些觀測工具 - 國立臺灣大學
UCTD是位於美國加州Oceanside的Oceanscience Group公司組裝製造的產品,整組系統主要包括下列幾項元件:(1)探頭所用感測器為Sea-Bird CTD Probe 10-400,(2)探頭尾部之尾線軸(Tail Spool),(3)尾線軸之繞線器(Tail Spool Re-winder),(4)船釣用鼓式捲線器(Winch with level wind),(5)1400 m長可 ...
UCTD样机海上试验和应用研究 - 百度文库
近年来国内外发展的UCTD作为新型船载海洋调查设备,整机占用空间小,其探头可在船舶航行时通过专用甲板设备投放后收回,在不耗费航时的情况下能获取连续小尺度和高精度的温盐深剖面数据,与传统的调查手段相比可显著地提高调查的效率 [1]。 【摘 要】走航式温盐深剖面快速测量仪 (UCTD)是一种新型海洋调查设备,近年来国内开展了相关的研究和试验应用.为了进一步推进UCTD技术实用化,文章针对前期的研究成果,在易用性和测量稳定性方面对样机进行了改进.海 …
The UCTD is a s ship-based system for the measurement of conductivity and temperature profiles while underway. It is capable of profiling to over 400 m at a ship speed of 10 kt and can be used up to 13 kt at reduced profiling depth. The system consists of the following main components:
UnderwayCTD (UCTD™) | CTDs | Esonet Yellow Pages
The Oceanscience UnderwayCTD provides research-quality CTD profiles while underway at up to 20kts. The unique freefall CTD probe, manufactured by Sea-Bird Electronics, affords vertical profiles to a maximum depth of 1250m while underway, with stationary casts possible down to …
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