Oceans (film) - Wikipedia
Oceans presents details and facts about the journey of the ocean. The film begins on a beach with children running to the ocean, one particular boy stops and wonders what the ocean is. The scene cuts to the Galápagos where a clan of marine iguanas and horseshoe crabs wander. Then at night an Ariane [7] rocket takes off and surprises the two ...
海洋 Océans (2009) - 豆瓣电影
2009年10月17日 · 《海洋》耗时五年,耗资5000万欧元,动用12个摄制组、70艘船,在全球50个拍摄地,有超过100个物种被拍摄,超过500小时的海底世界及海洋相关素材,是史上投资最大的纪录片。 海洋是什么? 这部电影告诉你答案。 这是一部以环保为主题,令人心旷神怡、叹为观止的生态学纪录片。 本片聚焦于覆盖着地球表面的四分之三的“蓝色领土”。 导演深入探索这个幽深而富饶的神秘世界、完整地呈现海洋的壮美辽阔。 真实的动物世界的冒险远比动画片中的故事来 …
Ocean's - Wikipedia
Ocean's is a series of heist films. Beginning with the 1960 Rat Pack film Ocean's 11, the series has seen mixed to favorable critical reception and substantial commercial success. After the 1960 film, a reboot trilogy was released from 2001 to 2007, often cited as defining its genre and leading to a proliferation and commercialization of heist ...
A small-scale actuator with passive-compliance for a fine …
In this paper, we describe the hydraulic actuation-system of this manipulator. Underwater handling of objects as much as any manipulation tasks on land are dependent on sensory feedback to close the control loop between performed action and achieved result.
本文以2011年为例,基于海洋模式 (Oceanic regional circulation and tidal model, ORCTM)模拟的南海北部真实情况下的中尺度涡场和封闭吕宋海峡情况下的中尺度涡场,对比分析和研究了吕宋海峡入流对中尺度涡数量、传播特征的影响。 结果表明,在边界层分离、正压不稳定和平流效应的影响下,吕宋海峡黑潮水入侵等海峡入流对南海北部海域涡旋的生成和传播具有较大影响。
Océans(海洋)影评 - 豆瓣电影
2011年10月8日 · 惊叹海洋的美丽,那美的令人窒息的蓝色、那簇拥成群不停变化的鱼群、那白雪茫茫纯净的北极......一切的一切震撼着心灵。 当海豚被屠杀鲜血染红了整片海湾,当鲨鱼被割掉鱼翅慢慢沉入海底还艰难的扭动着身体,我落泪了,人类俯瞰藐视其他生命,贪婪破坏了太多自然界的平衡。 愿看过此片的人们能体会对生命、对大自然的敬畏感,尊重生命,珍惜大自然带给我们的 …
Aqua-TUNE: A testbed for underwater networks - IEEE Xplore
It can be used to experimentally evaluate the algorithms and protocols developed for underwater networks in real world scenarios. Our experience with the testbed shows that it could be a valuable tool to encourage rapid progress in underwater networks.
Design considerations for a robotic flying fish | Request PDF
2011年9月1日 · A compact robot that could both swim underwater and glide in the air above water has many potential applications in ocean exploration and mapping, surveillance, and forecasting.
Oceans - Google Play 영화
Nearly three-quarters of the Earth's surface is covered by water and Oceans boldly chronicles the mysteries that lie beneath. Directors Jacques Perrin and Jacques Cluzaud (Travelling Birds) dive...
UN World Oceans Day 2011 - United Nations World Oceans Day
The world’s oceans—which account for about 70 per cent of the Earth’s surface—are facing diverse challenges ranging from depleted fishery resources to the impacts of climate change, the deterioration of the marine environment, to issues of maritime safety and security, labour conditions for seafarers and the increasingly important issue ...