OCO Global is a technology enabled advisory firm focused on trade, investment and economic development. We work with our clients to ensure that their international business thrives, by delivering innovative and sustainable outcomes and connecting them to opportunities across the world that create prosperity, employment and economic growth.
OCO Global Management Team | Lead Generation Experts
Conor leads OCO teams who undertake market assessment, identify potential opportunities, and support clients with establishing contact and building direct relationships in-market.
About OCO Global | FDI | Economic Development and Trade …
Providing economic development, FDI and trade services for over 16 years to leading organisations, consulting firms and private sector companies.
OCO Global - LinkedIn
OCO Global is a technology enabled advisory firm focused on trade, investment and economic development. We work with our clients to ensure that their international business thrives, by delivering...
北京帕特纳斯与OCO Global建立全新合作伙伴关系
2022年1月30日 · OCO Global是贸易投资领域的专业咨询机构。 总部设立在北爱尔兰贝尔法斯特,OCO Global在全球拥有伦敦、都柏林、法兰克福、巴黎、纽约、迪拜、北京及上海等14个办事处。
OCO GLOBAL - 江苏小虎科技发展有限公司
OCO GLOBAL成立于2001年,是在全球范围内从事外商直接投资(FDI)促进和国际市场拓展及选址的专业机构。 OCO Global的总部在英国北爱尔兰的贝尔法斯特,在全球有24个办公室和业务点,200多名投资及贸易促进专家,为英国国际贸易部,法国商业部,荷兰投促局,德国下萨克森州,美国俄亥俄州,弗吉尼亚州,澳大利亚维多利亚州等超过100家投资促进机构提供投资及贸易促进服务,帮助其制定和执行成功的战略以吸引国际投资,并创造了数以万计的就业机会和数十 …
OCO Global_百度百科
OCO Global,欧洲组织机构。 2023年3月17日,第九届中国广州国际投资年会德国法兰克福分会场举行,现场,广州开发区海德堡离岸创新中心与OCO Global举行合作签约仪式。 [1] OCO Global,欧洲组织机构。
OCO Global Company Profile: Service Breakdown & Team
Established in 2001, and headquartered in Belfast, United Kingdom, OCO Global is a technology-enabled management consultancy that focuses on providing strategic advisory services to governments, investment promotion agencies, economic development organizations, and …
Business and Economic Development Careers - OCO Global
We’re a truly global company with a world of opportunities. Whether you’re new to the world of Trade and Investment or have a lifetime of experience, we’re here to support you on the next step in your career. Explore the latest opportunities below.
OCO Global与商务部投资促进事务局签署合作框架协议-帕特纳斯 …
北京时间2022年6月23日下午,OCO Global与中华人民共和国商务部投资促进事务局签署了双向投资促进战略合作框架协议。 签约仪式以线上会议远程模式进行,会场同时设在中国北京与德国法兰克福。