Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2: Home
OCO-2: WHAT'S NEW? . NASA Satellites Observe the Relentless Rise of Carbon Dioxide
Orbiting Carbon Observatory 2 | NASA's Earth Observing System
2014年7月2日 · The second Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO-2) mission is designed to provide space-based global measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide with the precision and resolution needed to identify and characterize the processes that regulate this important greenhouse gas.
Orbiting Carbon Observatory 2 - Wikipedia
Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) is an American environmental science satellite which launched on 2 July 2014. A NASA mission, it is a replacement for the Orbiting Carbon Observatory which was lost in a launch failure in 2009.
OCO-2 - Science@NASA
2023年8月12日 · What's New with OCO-2? A satellite gathering daily, detailed global measurements of the Earth's carbon, answering important questions about precisely where carbon is coming from and where it's being stored, to provide scientists with a better idea of how it is contributing to climate change.
Orbiting Carbon Observatory 2 - Earth Missions - NASA Jet …
2014年7月2日 · The Orbiting Carbon Observatory 2, or OCO-2, is an Earth satellite mission designed to study the sources and sinks of carbon dioxide globally and provide scientists with a better idea of how carbon is contributing to climate change.
轨道碳观测卫星-2 - 百度百科
轨道碳观测卫星-2 (OCO-2)是 美国航空航天局 (NASA)第一颗研究 二氧化碳 排放的卫星。 这一被命名为“轨道碳观测卫星-2”的卫星将搭载 波音公司 制造的“德尔塔-2”运载火箭发射。 卫星在莫斯科时间2014年7月1日13时56分 (北京时间17时56分),从美国加利福尼亚州 范登堡空军基地 发射。 发射时间严格控制在30秒之内。 [1] 该卫星将加入“A-Train”国际卫星群。 美国航空航天局 希望,多颗卫星所接受的数据可以实现互补。 在卫星发射时,科学家只有30秒的时间保证“轨道碳观测 …
双碳说了这么久,你知道哪些卫星可以监测二氧化碳? - 知乎
美国OCO-2上搭载了一台三波段成像光栅式高光谱 CO_ {2} 探测仪,具有高光谱分辨率、高信噪比、高空间分辨率的特点。 OCO-2产品共有四级:一级产品包含所有收集的探测记录;二级是大气中 CO_ {2} 柱浓度、表面反照率和气溶胶含量;三级由OCO-2科学家开发的全球二氧化碳浓度图组成;四级是全球 CO_ {2} 源/汇碳通量。 GHGSat公司运营的下一代温室气体监测卫星,搭载了一种微型高光谱短波红外成像光谱仪,用于监测设施级别的目标温室气体( CO_ {2} 及CH4),帮助 …
OCO-2 Data Center - Orbiting Carbon Observatory 2
The OCO-2 mission provides the highest quality space-based XCO2 retrievals to date. However, the instrument data are characterized by large gaps in coverage due to OCO-2’s narrow 10-km ground track and an inability to see through clouds and thick aerosols.
2023年2月11日 · 就我的理解而言,OCO数据不同于多数的nc格式的数据,它的数据类型都是一维的,比如用python的netCDF4和 numpy 包读取ERA5的数据, 而对于OCO-2的数据, 这里的宽度默认成了xco2的level,高度默认成了每条数据的id。 显然这与我们的认知不符。 油管 上NASA官方给出了数据的读取与可视化教程,我将其整理到以下内容。 使用到的库有以下这些,可以使用 anaconda安装。 import xarray. import numpy as np. import pandas as pd. import …
OCO-2 | NASA Earthdata
2014年7月2日 · NASA's Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) was a replacement mission for the original OCO platform, which failed during launch. Launched on July 2, 2014, OCO-2 acquires space-based global measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) with the precision, resolution, and coverage needed to characterize its sources and sinks (fluxes) on ...