Which OCT machine? | Student Doctor Network
2012年1月19日 · Zeiss make it very difficult integrating their equipment with various EHR systems requiring proprietary modules to make this work. We are also looking at cost of long term service contracts, anterior segment OCT availability, patient comfort with scanning, etc. Optovue makes a machine that seems less costly and more user friendly.
OCT: Topcon vs. Zeiss for Glaucoma | Student Doctor Network
2015年10月26日 · The other thing that bugs me is the software - viewing reports on the machine and is awkward and there are so many ways to generate a report that your technicians will send images to your EMR in different formats. I almost never see a macula OCT displayed the same way twice in a row with this machine. The Cirrus 6000 is a thing of beauty.
OCT machine input | Student Doctor Network
2020年6月11日 · I was hoping to get opinions on various OCT machines. I am researching used options for a free clinic that is looking to try and get an OCT machine. The clinic serves uninsured patients with a high population of diabetic patients. They …
Systemic heparin vs heparin through CVVHD machine
2006年4月12日 · Probably the surgeons just want to make sure that you get the maximum effect (the actual 300u/h) going through the CVVH machine and the area immediately surrounding the CVVH line. Otherwise, if you gave it systemically first, there would be some metabolism and distribution, so you wouldn't get the concentrated effect.
Minimum volume to support LASIK machine? - Student Doctor …
2010年6月29日 · What do you think is the minimum number of cases per month you need to do to justify leasing and/or owning a LASIK laser?
How to read OCT and visual field? | Student Doctor Network
2005年3月1日 · For OCT, you can try Everyday OCT (Schuman, Puliafito, Fujimoto) or the full version (OCT of Ocular Disease, second edition) For HVF, you can try Essential Perimetry (Heijl, Patella) or Anderson's Automated Static Perimetry (classic) as prev. mentioned Budenz's Atlas of Visual Fields also a newer book by neuro-ophth is Field of Vision, (Barton ...
reservoir bag empty | Student Doctor Network
2006年5月31日 · LMA in on PS of 6 patient breathing ~400 tidal volumes rate of 14. partner flips out because green reservoir bag is basically collapsed on itself and has no air in it. flows are at 2L/min. If the machine is delivering pressure support of 6 and patient receiving adequate tidal volume whats the...
Admit Standardized Score and School List Builder
2024年2月12日 · Hey everyone, as some of you might have seen, I’ve been working on a machine learning model over the last few months that can both score an application based on every data point used in the admissions process as well as build a school list specific to an applicant’s holistic profile. The goal of...
2024-2025 Maryland | Page 7 | Student Doctor Network
2025年2月6日 · In previous years, they published class profiles (although I think they removed them from their website, you can still access them through the Wayback Machine). Those profiles showed Maryland accepted over 70% IS students pretty consistently year after year.
Octopus vs. Humphrey Visual Fields | Student Doctor Network
Oct 26, 2015 Messages 42 Reaction score 28. Feb 15, 2021 #1 Does anyone have any strong opinions regarding ...