Diagnostic Ability of Individual Macular Layers by Spectral-Domain OCT …
Pazos et al 3 used the Spectralis OCT system (Heidelberg Engineering, Heidelberg, Germany) to examine the distributions of individual macula layers in early glaucoma and reported that although macular RNFL, GCL-IPL, and GCC measurements showed high diagnostic capabilities, cpRNFL remained the most efficient measure.
OCT的应用与解读 NOTE(一) - 哔哩哔哩
而OCT不只是能显示这十层结构,还可以visualize PR和脉络膜的具体结构。 外层视网膜有四个高反射带:ELM、IS的椭圆体区(ellipsoid zone),交叉区(interdigitation zone)、RPE/Bruch complex。 ****其中:椭圆体区,即IS中由致密排列的线粒体组成的“椭圆体”。 交叉区,是视锥OS与RPE顶部微绒毛相互交叉形成。 图1(来源:光相干断层扫描眼底影像描述相关的解剖学术语中文译名建议,惠延年) 图2:OCT伪彩图(来源:www.aao.org) 玻璃体视网膜交界面(黑 …
Different phenotypes of the appearance of the outer plexiform …
Purpose: To present a selected case series of different phenotypes of the normal outer plexiform layer (OPL) visualized by optical coherence tomography (OCT). Methods: Five cases were selected to represent the spectrum of appearances of the OPL in this case series.
The bifurcation and bump signs: optical coherence tomography (OCT …
Purpose To expand the description of a common OCT finding of outer plexiform layer (OPL) splitting overlying neurosensory retinal detachment from various causes, along with a thickened outer plexiform bump at the transition from attached to detached retina.Metho...
OCT正常影像解读 - 简书
2018年12月3日 · 视网膜大血管行走在神经纤维层内,血液中血红蛋白吸收光能使入射光迅速衰减,因此在血管的下方会投下垂直于视网膜表面的光学阴影 (optical shadow),使下方组织的反射信号减弱甚至消失。 神经节细胞层 (GCL):主要由神经节细胞构成,还含有一些神经胶质细胞、Miller纤维和视网膜血管分支。 由于细胞内的液体成分相对较多,所以OCT中表现为中低反射信号。 在这层亦可看到视网膜血管及其投下的光学阴影 (图4-3)。 内丛状层 (IPL):主要由双极细胞的轴突与神经节 …
OCTA-500: A retinal dataset for optical coherence tomography ...
2024年4月1日 · Building on the OCT platform, OCT angiography (OCTA) has been developed as a new useful imaging modality for providing functional information on retinal blood vessels and micro-vascular systems. OCTA measures the amplitude and delay of reflected or backscattered light in an interferometrical manner to acquire retinal angiography volume ...
方向OCT的应用及研究进展 - 国际眼科纵览 - Yiigle.com
方向相干光断层扫描成像(directional optical coherence tomography,D-OCT)是一种通过改变扫描光束在瞳孔的入射位置,得到视网膜同一部位不同反射强度横截面图像的方法,可清晰地显示Henle纤维层(Henle′s fiber layer ,HFL)与外核层(outer nuclear layer,ONL)的边界,有助于准确 ...
The Framework of Quantifying Biomarkers of OCT and OCTA …
2024年8月13日 · LBP derived from the OPL-BM and ILM-OPL structural images in OCT and OCT angiography (OCTA) provides valuable features for analyzing retinal diseases. These layers—OPL (outer plexiform layer) to BM (Bruch’s membrane) and ILM (inner limiting membrane) to OPL—represent key segments of the retina where …
Examples of different appearances of OPL observed by OCT
The OPL lies between the INL and the ONL and, for the purposes of this study, consisted of two components on OCT: 1) a thin reflective band along the posterior border of the INL, thought to...
OCT视网膜各层对应关系 - cnophol.com
玻璃膜疣oct示视网膜色素上皮隆起,下方为轻中度反射,与脉络膜反射无区别,从隆起的视网膜色素上皮延伸到脉络膜。 视网膜前出血:OCT示神经上皮层及其下反射光带并迅速衰减。