Oculus Rift DK2: Full Specification - VRcompare
The Oculus Rift DK2 is a PC-powered VR headset, released 2014. Features 93° FoV, 960x1080 per eye resolution, 75 Hz refresh rate, 6 DoF tracking.
VR干货:教大家如何使用Oculus DK2! - 新浪VR
2016年6月13日 · 区别于 DK1 即插即用的方式,DK2 是需要在电脑上安装对应的驱动软件才能够正常工作的。 确保你有一个好的电脑平台后,首先需要下载 DK2 的驱动:runtime。 Oculus 官方在持续更新 runtime 版本,发布界面链接如下:https://developer.oculusvr.com/?action=dl&v=21
Setting up and using the Oculus DK2 in 2021 (for steam VR)
The Oculus Development kit 2 (DK2) was released back in 2014. Long before Facebook even tough about putting its greedy fingers on Oculus, and long before the release of the Oculus rift and the HTC Vive. The DK2 was ahead of its time with specs relatively close to the later released Oculus Rift and HTC Vive (2016).
[原]Oculus Rift DK2试用手记 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
相比dk1的1280×800 lcd面板,dk2的1920×1080 oled面板让单眼分辨率达到了960×1080,是原有像素数量的2倍。 观感改善了不少,但仍不能说有质的飞跃。 OLED暂留时间达到了3ms,据说相比DK1对减轻眩晕有较大提升。
Amazon.com: Oculus Rift Developers Kit Dk2 : Video Games
Includes all contents and paperwork. 3 pairs of lenses, over-the-head strap, 6ft HDMI cable, 3ft usb cable, power cord with adapters, dvi/hdmi adapter, microfiber cloth. Help others learn more about this product by uploading a video! Looking for specific info?
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【教程】Oculus Rift DK2 新手使用指南-678VR游戏网
在连接好DK2后,左击或右击通知区域的小眼睛图标,打开Rift Display Mode. 在打开的窗口中点选DK2的工作模式为ExtendDesktop to the HMD,点Apply应用. 这时候你会发现DK2里的屏幕已经点亮,它变成了你电脑的扩展桌面。
Oculus DK2的基本使用和安装 - CSDN博客
2025年1月12日 · Oculus Rift DK2(Development Kit 2)是 Oculus Rift 的第二代开发者版本,于2014年发布,作为开发者和早期VR体验者使用的硬件设备。 DK 2 在第一代开发者套件的基础上,对分辨率、延迟、跟踪精度等关键性能进行了...
Oculus Rift DK2: Super Cool, Super Repairable - iFixit
• Oculus claims that the DK2 display is a low-persistence OLED screen capable of a 75 Hz refresh rate. This means that Oculus is overclocking the Note 3 display panel from its stock 60 Hz, which results in smoother motion. • The DK2 includes a brand-spanking-new …
OculusRift DK2详细使用教程_VR虚拟现实论坛_ZNDS
2016年5月7日 · 目前只能用台式机或者双独立显卡的高性能笔记本电脑来玩DK2。 注意:DK2对双屏幕支持并不好,有时会出现画面显示在副屏幕上,如果你的是双屏幕电脑,建议将一个拔掉,只用主屏幕。 不支持XP系统和Windows7原版系统,支持 windows7 SP1,windows8,windows8.1,windows 10 (仅限0.7版本驱动或更高版本)。 至于其他非主流电脑系统,小编也没用过,据说会出现很多奇葩问题。 硬件配置当然是越高越好! 最低配 …
Open Source Release of Rift DK2 - Oculus VR
2017年10月10日 · On the eve of our fourth(!) Oculus Connect, it seems only fitting to call back to our first Connect where we announced the open source release for DK1. Today, we’re excited to announce the open source release of Rift Development Kit 2 (DK2). Our progress since the release of DK1 has been thanks in no small part to this community working ...
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