Medicinal Plants of Odisha and Their Uses. - ResearchGate
This study summarises the traditional medicinal plant of Odisha. Use of plants as a supply of medicine has been an ancient tradition and is a very important part of the health care system...
Traditional Medicinal Plants of Odisha - ResearchGate
2020年12月31日 · Odisha, one amongst the coastal states of Indian sub-continent is endowed with potential medicinal plants owing to its peculiar topography and geographically distributed numerous...
State Medicinal Plants Board (SMPB) Odisha
To take up programmes and schemes that will promote medicinal plant sector both in-situ and ex-situ conservation activities in the state through assistance of National Medicinal Plants Board; To undertake specific studies to identify programmes and schemes to be taken up, to evaluate the various measures taken and suggest suitable action ;
Medicinal Uses: Increases immunity – It contains high amounts of Vitamin C that make this herb an immune buster. Vitamin A and carotenoids present in it improve the vision, reduce oxidative steress and prevent macular degeneration. Intestinal worms – 10 ml of fresh juice of Rukuna hatapocha should be given twice daily
Abstract: The major tribes of Odisha, India, including communities like the Mundas, Kondhas, Dongaria, Santhals, and Bonda, have a deep-rooted dependence on forests and indigenous medicinal plants for their livelihoods. This reliance is integral to …
Medicinal Plants of India: With special reference to Odisha. In rural India, 70 per cent of the population depends on the traditional type of medicine. There are about 45,000 medicinal plant species in India, with concentrated spots in the region of Eastern Himalayas, Western Ghats and Andaman & Nicobar Island.
Medicinal Plants - SMPB) Odisha
2025年2月25日 · Medicinal uses : Rheumatism, Gout, Hypertension, Immune enhancer,Joint pain , etc
ATLAS of Medicinal Plants In Gandhamardan
The database in its present form stores information of 560 species of medicinal plants. These plant species were distributed over 577 genera belonging to 140 families. Among the angiosperms, 672 species are dicotyledons and 216 species are monocotyledons.
Medicinal plants of Odisha, Part-III - Academia.edu
15 local medicinal plants from Odisha were selected and presented here along with their family, habit, and ethnomedicinal uses. Field photographs are also provided. The third series, entitled "Medicinal Plants of Odisha, Part III," can provide a base line of data to the researchers for their advanced works in medicinal plant research and ...
A total no. of 40 plants has been found to be used for medicinal purposes by the tribal people of Kandhamal district, Odisha. Maximum plants are used by the tribal peoples for the curing of major diseases like Skin disease (14 Plants), Gastrointestinal disease (11 Plants), cold and cough (5