Service (Rehabilitation Assistance) Rules, 1990, the Governor of Odisha is pleased to make the following rules to regulate recruitment to the Group-D Posts as a measure of rehabilitation assistance, namely:- 1. Short Title and Commencement: - (1) These rules may be called the Odisha Civil Services (Rehabilitation Assistance) Rules, 2020.
ODISHA Tales - Ama Odisha Ra Kahani
ODISHA Tales is a community-driven initiative to showcase Odisha. Eram, a village near the sea under the control of Basudevpur police, became the main place for p… The Tudigadia area under Khaira Police Station was very active during the Quit India movement. L…
- [PDF]
Copy forwarded to the Odisha Gazette Cell in-charge, Odisha Gazette Cell, C/o. Commerce Department for information with request to publish the Notification in the extraordinary issue of the Odisha Gazette and supply 200 copies of the same to this Department for official use. Joint Secretary to Government Memo No. / Gen., Dated. 5th November, 2016
amendment of the Orissa Civil Service (Rehabilitation Assistance) Rules, 1990 R e s ol ut i on N o. 21684- G e n. 09- 09- 1982 R e ha bi l i t a t i on A s s i s t a nc e t o t he f a m i l y of de c e a s e d or pe r m a ne nt l y di s a bl e d G ove r nm e nt s e r va nt w ho s uff e r s s uc h
Odisha ra Lokakala Samrudhi re Mora Bhumika Elocution - YouTube
Odisha ra Lokakala Samrudhi re Mora Bhumika Elocution | Surabhi Junior Elocution |https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGnUHR_giHQwrL4lR10_0D9yXI8r05xLs&si=0J6...
OSS TODAYS: Rehabilitation Assistant Rules - Blogger
Odisha Police Service (Rehabilitation Assistance on account of death in Naxal/ Extremist violence while on duty in said areas) Rules, 2012.
OSS TODAYS: Odisha Civil Service (RA) Rules, 2020 - Blogger
2020年6月7日 · On supersession of Odisha Civil Service (Rehabilitation Assistance) Rules, 1990 a new rule is made namely Odisha Civil Service (Rehabilitation Assistance) Rules, 2020 in which the key point is that any employees considered under Rehabilitation Assistance Rule can only be appointed to Group-D only.
ଓଡ଼ିଶାର ପର୍ବପର୍ବାଣୀ, ଭାଗ-୧
Addeddate 2024-01-21 06:52:48 Alt_creator Bhagaban Panda Alt_title Odishara Parbaparbani, v.01 Alt_year
Application for registration by the real estate agent. —(1)Every real estate agent required to register as per sub-section (2) of Section 9 of the Act shall make an application in writing to the Authority in Form ‘E’, in triplicate, until the application procedure is made web based, along with the following documents, namely:—
ଓଡ଼ିଆ ସାହିତ୍ୟର ଇତିହାସ : ସୁରେନ୍ଦ୍ର କୁମାର …
2021年7月1日 · "Odia Sahityara Itihasa" is an Odia-language essay book authored by Surendra Kumar Moharana in 2001. ଓଡ଼ିଆ ସାହିତ୍ୟର ଇତିହାସ (IPA: /oɽiaː saːhit̪jɔrɔ it̪ihaːsɔ/, Roman: /orḍiā sāhitẏara itihāsa/)...
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