FCC ID Search | Federal Communications Commission
To perform an advanced search go to: https://apps.fcc.gov/oetcf/eas/reports/GenericSearch.cfm. The advanced search permits search on a wide range of fields associated with an FCC ID to help find the information on a grant of certification. FCC ID numbers consists of two elements, a grantee code and an equipment product code.
Federal Communications Commission
FCC OET Authorization Search allows you to search for equipment authorization information using various criteria.
In accepting a Grant of Equipment Authorization as a result of the representations made in this application, the applicant is responsible for (1) labeling the equipment with the exact FCC ID specified in this application, (2) compliance statement labeling pursuant to the applicable rules, and (3) compliance of the equipment with the applicable ...
FCC-compliant millimeter-wave ultra-wideband pulse generator
2019年7月15日 · We report a photonic scheme to generate a millimeter-wave ultra-wideband (MMW-UWB) pulse based on optoelectronic oscillation (OEO). Normally, a millimeter-wave signal source is essential for the generation of a MMW-UWB pulse. The key novelty of our work is that no millimeter-wave signal source is re …
Equipment Authorization - Federal Communications Commission
Radio Frequency (RF) devices are required to be properly authorized under 47 CFR part 2 prior to being marketed or imported into the United States. The Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) administers the equipment authorization program under the authority delegated to it …
Engineering & Technology - Federal Communications Commission
OET is performing a study on U-NII-4 prototype devices that have been submitted to demonstrate potential sharing solutions between the proposed U-NII devices and Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) operations in the 5850-5925 MHz (U-NII-4) frequency band.
MINI系列万兆OEO放大器|光纤信号放大|产品中心|北京捷安世通科 …
可用于把普通波长光信号转换为符合ITU定义的波长,配合C/DWDM复用/解复用器实现波分复用传输。 支持10Gbps速率向下兼容。 本设备主要作用:是把携... n 光口速率:支持 11.7Gbps~8.5Gbps. n 发射波长:支持ITU-T规定的WDM波长. n 透明接入:支持以太网、 PDH、SDH、SAN及专网等业务灵活透明接入. n 支持3R功能:支持信号放大再生,波形整形,时钟再定时.
25gotu/oeo多业务接入板卡是fiberwdm瑞东科技研发用于光传输过程中 对信号进行放大的一种模块,可实现对1.25Gbit/s-25.78Gbit/s任意速率协议的 业务进行放大,适用于SDH/POS/SONET/SAN/ETHERNET等光通信系统,为解
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As per US agent, we are aware of the requirements involved as outlined in FCC Equipment Authorization Program in their Report and Order FCC 22-84 and the clause § 2.911 Application requirements. Applicant Company name: Telink Semiconductor (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Grantee code: OEO FCC ID: OEOTL9118A-EVK40D FRN: 0021911706 Contact Name: Xiang Li