U.S. Government Motor Vehicle Operator's Identification Card
2023年5月3日 · Electronic copies may be obtained from the Department of Defense Washington Headquarters Services site. [PDF] A version accepting digital signatures [PDF] is also available from the DoD WHS site. Contact the DoD Forms Management Program via e-mail at [email protected] for more info.
lities with a person requesting a license for an NTV. This worksheet is not intended to prohibit personnel from being licensed on an NTV, but to ensure they are familiar with the hazards, risks, and.
OF 346, is not required for military personnel operating a Government owned/leased vehicle under 10,000 pounds gross vehicle weight (GVW). However, it is required when operating a Navy Band...
qualification to hold the of 346 (signature) (date) part ii examination 18. qualification tests (check) vision skill special qualification physical written road hearing reaction time dirt/cross country test sat unsat sat unsat test sat unsat 19. restrictions: (list) check here if none part iii license action 20. category (check one)
for qualification to hold the of-346. (signature) (date) 18. qualificationtests: (check) test sat unsat test sat unsat sat unsat physical hearing vision written reaction time skill road dirt/cross country special qualification 19.
All Marine Corps personnel (regular and Reserve) and al l civilian personnel who are or may be assigned to full or part-time duties involving the operation of ordnance vehicles will posses a valid...
PERMIT (OF 346) Ref: (a) NAVFAC P-300, (Naval Facilities Engineering Command Publications Transmittal) Chapter 3,8 (b) DoD 4500.36-R, (Acquisition, Management, and Use of DoD Non-Tactical...
The information is used for the issuance or re-issuance of Official Form 346, U.S. Government Motor Vehicle Operators Identification Card (OF-346). The disclosure of this information is mandatory when an employee’s job requires driving a Federal motor vehicle and is …
My Base Guide - Vehicle Operator Records and Licensing
Accident avoidance is a U.S. Army mandatory requirement every 4 years. Marines/Navy/Coast Guard personnel will also be issued the OF Form 346, “U.S. Government Motor Vehicle Operator’s Identification Card.” However, they are not required to complete Accident Avoidance. They will need to bring in a valid state driver’s license and.
Explosives Drivers Course (EDC) - Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune
Prerequisites: Candidate explosive drivers shall possess a valid Motor Vehicle Operator's Identification Card (OF-346) and a valid state license. Explosives drivers shall also take the...