报价 bid 跟 offer 有什么不同 - 百度知道
offer (报盘),也叫报价,是卖方主动向买方提供商品信息,或者是对询盘 (inquire)的答复,是卖方根据买方的来信,向买方报盘,其内容可包括商品名称、规格、数量、包装条件、价格、付款方式和交货期限等。 bid (bid price或者offer price) (出价)对应卖价;bid是“投标”的意思,是买家愿意出的最高价。 ask一般都会比bid高一点,通过价格也可以知道哪个是买价哪个是卖价。 报价分为证券报价、投标报价、产品报价。 证券报价是证券市场上交易者在某一时间内对某种证券报出的最 …
什么是“价值主张(vp)”以及与“市场供应(market offering)”的区 …
公司、品牌的价值主张是指基于产品或服务,不仅能够提供给 消费者利益,而且还包括品牌对社会、对人的态度和观点。 需要达到市场消费诉求的兴奋点,满足市场的诉求。 企业的一切传播和营销活动必须围绕价值主张来进行。 在目前 产品同质化 日趋严重的今天,关键是在于寻找不同于甚至于优越于同类产品的利益点。 例如,麦当劳品牌的价值主张是要给顾客带来欢乐,其精髓是永远年轻,故而她的广告语是“我就喜欢”;李宁品牌的价值主张是要为年轻消费群体的梦想创造无 …
offer value - 英中 – Linguee词典
These tools offer outstanding performance and value for the money, and Zilog backs their offering with a portfolio of value-added source [...] code, reference designs, and application software, including a free C-Compiler - a complete solution from silicon to services to tools.
Bid vs Offer Price - Top 4 Differences (with Infographics)
The term "offer price," also known as the ask price, refers to the price that the seller of the stock/derivative prefers to receive for the same. Thus, the minimum/lowest price the seller or a group of sellers intends to receive for a particular security/derivative sell quantity is also known as the offer quantity.
The CEO’s Guide To Pricing: Balancing Value, Cost, And ... - Forbes
2025年2月26日 · Discover how CEOs master pricing strategies to balance value, cost, and customer trust. Explore proven models like freemium, value-based pricing, and cost avoidance.
Offering Price: What it is, How it Works, In Practice - Investopedia
2022年4月29日 · What Is an Offering Price? An offering price, generally, is the price at which something is offered for sale. In finance and investments, the offering price most often refers to the...
6 Effective Ways To Offer Value To Customers - taigacompany.com
2024年5月2日 · There are many ways to offer value to customers besides discounts or freebies. Any of these options can directly benefit your business and require little outlay.
Bid vs. Offer - What's the Difference? - This vs. That
The bid price represents the highest price a buyer is willing to pay for a security, while the offer price represents the lowest price at which a seller is willing to sell. The difference between the bid and offer prices is known as the bid-ask spread, which reflects the liquidity and market conditions of …
Offer Value Definition - Law Insider
Offer Value means, in respect of each Portfolio Credit Default Swap, the expected net present value to the Swap Counterparty of such Portfolio Credit Default Swap, as calculated by the Swap Counterparty, acting in its sole discretion, using the Current Mid Curve in respect of each Reference Entity except any Replaced Reference Entity and using ...
什么是买入价(BID)与卖出价(OFFER或ASK)? - 百度知道
卖出价 (Selling rate/Ask or Offer rate)是 股票买卖 中或银行卖出外汇时使用的汇率。 不同标价方法下卖出价的含义不同。 扩展资料: 买入价和卖出价都是站在银行(而不是客户)的角度来定的;另外,这些价格都是外汇(而不是本币)的买卖价格。 买入价和卖出价的差价代表银行承担风险的报酬,一般为1%一5%。 银行同业之间买卖外汇时使用的买入汇率和卖出汇率也称同业买卖汇率,实际上就是外汇市场买卖价。 因此,在 直接标价法 下,买入价在前;在间接标价法下,买 …
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