Knot-inspired optical sensors for slip detection and friction ...
2023年10月31日 · Inspired by the topological mechanics of knots, we construct optical fiber knot (OFN) sensors for slip detection and friction measurement. By introducing localized self-contacts along the fiber, the knot structure enables anisotropic responses to normal and frictional forces.
based on optical fiber knots (OFN) in this work. The knot structure alters the load distribution along the fiber, making a single polymer fiber sensitive to both normal and frictional forces. The OFN sensor achieved a maxim-um sensitivity of 2.67 N–1 for normal force detection and 5.59 N–1 for frictional force detection, respectively. By
An OFN sensor is made by encapsulating an OFN in a PDMS block. The block can be either a cube or a slab. In both cu-bic and flat OFN sensors, the OFN is positioned at the midplane of the PDMS block. The step-by-step fabrication flow is illustrated in Fig. S4. Step I: Fabricate a negative mold made of resin (DSM Somos® 8100 Epoxy Photopolymer)
OFN’s 40th Annual Conference Call for Sessions Now Open!
2024年5月8日 · This October 21-24, thousands of CDFI practitioners, investors, funders, policymakers, and other partners will gather in downtown Los Angeles for OFN40 — the 40th annual OFN Conference. Together, we’ll learn, collaborate, and celebrate the work CDFIs do every day to create economic opportunity in our vibrant rural, urban, and Native ...
Knot-inspired optical sensors for slip detect | EurekAlert!
2023年11月3日 · A new publication from Opto-Electronic Advances, 10.29026/oea.2023.230076 discusses knot-inspired optical sensors for slip detection and friction measurement in dexterous robotic manipulation....
TNO Organization of Free Nations Flag Pack (TNOOFNFP) - Steam …
2025年1月24日 · We present to all of you our TNO Organization of Free Nations Flag Pack (TNOOFNFP). This mutator is a little collection of flags from members and potential members of the OFN from the HOI 4 mod The New Order: The Last Days of Europe.
Welcome to Opportunity Finance Network - OFN
Opportunity Finance Network (OFN) is the leading national network of CDFIs and a financial intermediary. OFN increases capital flow, strengthens CDFIs, and amplifies the voice of the CDFI industry. We partner with investors, funders, and policymakers to align capital with opportunity.
For 2022–2024, OFN has adopted four core strategic goals to guide our members and staff as we Invest in Change. With this three-year plan, OFN will focus on supporting CDFIs through four pillars: Money, Strength, Voice, and Operations. • Money: OFN will manage a diverse set of funds from private and public sources to help CDFIs
Opportunity Finance Network Statement on Arbitrary EPA Funding ...
2025年3月13日 · Opportunity Finance Network (OFN), one of five awardees of the EPA’s Clean Communities Investment Accelerator (CCIA), is aware of the latest public statement from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and has received EPA’s attempted cancellation notice.
2020 年 7 月 6 日, 中国科学院光电技术研究所主办的 英文刊 Opto-Electronic Advances (光电进展,以下简称 OEA )成功在线召开第三届编委会。 来自中国、美国、加拿大、英国、法国、希腊、德国、奥地利、新加坡、日本、韩国、澳大利亚等 12 个国家的 20 余位编委 ...