CBP OFO - SRT questions [customsinspect 7665.1] - Delphi Forums
2008年6月30日 · I was wondering if anyone can give me more information about the OFO SRT team. 1. Is the 19 day academy as tough as I've been hearing?  I've notice quite a lot of people apply and after who ever weeds out the candidates there is a class of about 20-40 people in the class.  From there, I noticed only 2-5 pass the whole thing.  So I figure it is a pretty tough academy and want to ...
CBP OFO - SRT questions [customsinspect 7665.8] - Delphi Forums
2008年6月30日 · I could of sworn that i mentioned once before, if you J B Thug, arent sure about a topic then you really shouldnt be out posting messages. SRT OFO happens to be pretty busy especially with whats going on in parts of the SW border.
OFO SRT [customsinspect 19747.1] - m.delphiforums.com
SRT within OFO is pointless, man. Seriously. Don't come to OFO expecting satisfaction based on getting into SRT. If you come to OFO, expect a completely lax, kind of lazy atmosphere with no pressing mission of busting bad guys. Don't let the SRT recruitment videos and #### make you think you'll be able to come over and enjoy OFO as an SRT member.
CBP OFO - SRT questions [customsinspect 7665.23]
2008年7月2日 · US Customs & Border Protection Job forum - CBP OFO - SRT questions - I don't mind a debate, even when it is about facts.  You don't seem willing to concede how much facts my answers contain.  One question for you, since you've been around so long:  are you BP K9, or CBPO K9?  Just curious, that's all.
CBP OFO - SRT questions [customsinspect 7665.21]
2008年7月1日 · US Customs & Border Protection Job forum - CBP OFO - SRT questions - Exactly my point. Its YOUR OPINION. when people have questions, many are looking for facts. Your FACTS tend to be YOUR OPINIONS. I choose not to ignore your posts. I enjoy reading the BS you write. Anyone who is currently in CBP should be able to tell your full of it.
CBP OFO - SRT questions [customsinspect 7665.15]
2008年7月1日 · Along the SW Border, these teams are being utilized quite a bit. Their training is tough and from what the SRT guys that I know are telling me, people fail the course because they are simply not ready for the PT, it's that simple. You are told what to expect and most people still insist on showing up not ready to rock. I think it's good CBP has these teams. Unfortunately for most POE's around ...
CBPO academy vs BP academy [customsinspect 22330.43]
US Customs & Border Protection Job forum - CBPO academy vs BP academy - CBP SRT training is VERY demanding. I was an adviser when the program first took off and it was mirrored just like BOTC. General - CBPO academy vs BP academy (34935 views) (Closed for Posting)
Lateral transfer from BP to OFO [customsinspect 18319.0] - Delphi …
US Customs & Border Protection Job forum - Lateral transfer from BP to OFO -
US Customs & Border Protection Job forum
US Customs & Border Protection Job forum - U.S. Customs Service, US Customs, Customs Inspectors, Customs Inspector, Canine Enforcement Officers, Canine Enforcement Officer, Federal Law Enforcement, Careers, Federal Law Enforcement Careers, Law Enforcement Careers, CBP, Customs & Border Protection, Customs and Border Protection, CBP Officers - A central forum for people interested in discussing ...
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