OpenGraph - Preview Social Media Share and Generate Metatags
For businesses and content creators, generating unique Open Graph (OG) images for all content types is a demanding task. OpenGraph.xyz simplifies this by automating dynamic OG image creation, enhancing your online presence and audience engagement.
The Open Graph protocol
og:image - An image URL which should represent your object within the graph. og:url - The canonical URL of your object that will be used as its permanent ID in the graph, e.g., "https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0117500/". As an example, the following is the Open Graph protocol markup for The Rock on IMDB: ...
OpenGraph - Preview Images and Generate Open Graph Meta Tags
OpenGraph.Dev: Generate and preview Open Graph meta tags for images, titles, and more, ensuring optimal display on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, WhatsApp...
Open Graph Generator, Advanced meta tags generator tool - SmallSEOTools.com
Open graph technology was first introduced by Facebook in 2010. It allows any web page to have the same functionality as other objects in Facebook. It allows a user to integrate their website with Facebook. All the other social media sites; LinkedIn, Twitter and Google+ have recognized the advantage of social meta tags and recognized them.
Open Graph Meta Tags - Complete Guide (2024) - W3Things
2023年12月18日 · The following 4 og: tags (og:title, og:type, og:image, and og:url) are considered basic metadata tags by the Open Graph protocol that are required for the web pages to appear as rich objects. There are additional properties which are optional and are recommended if your web content is applicable.
H5分享链接之OG协议知多少 - 简书
2021年10月29日 · Open Graph Protocol(开放图谱协议),简称 OG 协议。 它是 Facebook 在 2010 年 F8 开发者大会公布的一种网页元信息(Meta Information)标记协议,属于 Meta Tag (Meta 标签)的范畴,是一种为社交分享而生的 Meta 标签,用于标准化网页中元数据的使用,使得社交媒体得以以丰富的“图形”对象来表示共享的页面内容。 它允许在 Facebook 上,其他网站能像 Facebook 内容一样具有丰富的“图形”对象,进而促进 Facebook 和其他网站之间的集成。 …
Open Graph Tester for Meta Tags | OG Image Tester - OGTester
Link creator allows you to create a unique link for your meta tags. You provide all the meta tags and create link, which you can easily share on Social Media or Instant Messaging platform to show the preview.
OG image - Preview & generate Open Graph & Twitter Cards
A compelling OG image can boost engagement and click-through rates. When you share a link on social media like Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, or via messaging apps like WhatsApp, Slack, or Telegram, a thumbnail preview image usually appears. This image, called the Open Graph or OG image, is meant to represent your content.
Online Open Graph Generator - 100% Free Open Graphs Tool
Our free online open graph generator tool is the most reliable and easiest way to generate social media meta tags. It lets you configure and customize open graph tags, ensuring that your web links stand out when shared across social media. To access our advanced tool, you do not need to sign up or pay for a premium subscription.
oglink.com - For OG
The shortner for the Otakugeneration podcast.
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