The International 2017 - Liquipedia Dota 2 Wiki
Sixteen teams play in a double-elimination format over six days. Eight teams begin in the Upper Bracket, eight in the Lower Bracket. First Lower Bracket round is Bo1, Grand Finals are Bo5, all others rounds are Bo3. The base prize pool of the tournament was $1,600,000 USD.
第七届DOTA2国际邀请赛 - 百度百科
第七届DOTA2国际邀请赛是在美国西雅图举办的国际电子竞技赛事,于2017年8月3日开始小组赛,8月13日在西雅图市中心钥匙体育馆举行决赛。 2017年8月13日,Team Liquid以3:0击败NB,夺得第七届DOTA2国际邀请赛。
The International 2017 - Wikipedia
The International 2017 (TI7) was the seventh iteration of The International, an annual Dota 2 esports world championship tournament. Hosted by Valve, the game's developer, the tournament began with the online qualifier phase in June 2017, and ended after the main event at the KeyArena in Seattle in August.
OG - Liquipedia Dota 2 Wiki
OG was created as the new team of former (monkey) Business players. The team's breakthrough came at the Frankfurt Major in late November, 2015. They fought through the lower bracket, defeating TI5 champions Evil Geniuses and runner-ups CDEC Gaming.
《dota2》ti历届冠军及成员姓名一览 - 游侠网
2023年10月31日 · ti系列国际邀请赛一直是dota2中最有含金量的赛事,很多小伙伴好奇ti的历届冠军以及成员姓名,就让小编我来告诉大家吧。 1、ti12冠军: TeamSpirit战队. 战队成员:Yatoro、Larl、Collapse、Mira、Miposhka. 2、ti11冠军:Tundra Esports. 战队成员:skiter、nine、33、saksa、sneyking. 3、ti10冠军:Team Spirit. 战队成员:Collapse、Yatoro、Miposhka、Mira,TORONTOTOKYO. 4、ti9冠军:OG战队. 战队成员:ana、JreAx、Ceb、N0tail …
OG (電子競技) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
OG是一支来自欧洲的Dota 2電子競技戰隊,组建于2015年。 OG战队为人所知的成绩是于建队后一个月内即夺得 2015年法兰克福特级锦标赛 的冠军,并于2018年与2019年连续两年夺得了 Dota 2国际邀请赛 冠军,成为了Dota 2国际邀请赛上第一支双冠王队伍与第一支连续两年 ...
The International 2018 - Liquipedia Dota 2 Wiki
Sixteen teams play in a double-elimination format over six days. Eight teams begin in the Upper Bracket, eight in the Lower Bracket. First Lower Bracket round is Bo1, Grand Finals are Bo5, all others rounds are Bo3. The base prize pool of the tournament was $1,600,000 USD.
The International 7: Dota players' MVP of TI7 ++Video++ - Red Bull
2017年8月14日 · OG captain Fly gains several nominations for his strong leadership of the four-time Major winning team, while western and Chinese players alike plump for LGD/LFY and Newbee stars such as Ame,...
2019年8月25日, 第九届DOTA2国际邀请赛 (TI9), LGD 1-2不敌 Team Liquid,获得TI9第三名,中国战队无缘决赛,决赛 OG3-1战胜 Team Liquid,成为史上第一个 TI 双冠王 [2]。 OG是Dota2国际邀请赛战队之一,于2015年8月由Johan "N0tail" Sundstein成立,曾获得Ti8冠军、Ti9冠 …
如何评价Ti两连冠及四个Major冠军,OG战队队长N0tail? - 知乎
期间,大爹找到了ceb担任教练,二代og找到了名不见经传但打法独特的ana,二代og依然是major之王。 这里可以看出大爹的眼光是真的独到,包括三代og的topson,在三代og组建的时候差个三号位 ceb还在自由人里面寻找,大爹对着ceb说"就你来吧,你能当教练 而且状态 ...