A Visual Guide to Vèvè: Vodou Symbols & Cosmograms
Ogou is a prominent spirit in the pantheon of Haitian Vodou, with several vèvè symbols dedicated to him. He is known to change his name and go by different titles, such as Ogou Feray, Ogou …
The Art of Haitian Vodou Flags: History, Craftsmanship, and …
2024年8月1日 · Each flag tells a unique narrative, often depicting specific lwa, symbols, and colors that hold particular meanings. For instance, the color blue is often associated with the …
Ogun - Wikipedia
The primary symbols of Ogun are iron, the dog, and the palm frond. They symbolize Ogun's role in transformation, mediation, and function. Iron is the primary emblem of Ogun. Ogun altars …
Figge Art Museum › by
Although Ogou Badagris is a mighty warrior, he is also associated with fertility and wisdom. This flag shows his vèvè (ceremonial drawing). Ogou is the paramount male deity in Haitian vodou. …
Haitian Vodou flags tell tales of revolution and independence at …
2019年9月16日 · Due to his association with the Haitian struggle for independence, Ogou is the most beloved Loa in Haiti. He is seen riding horseback, carrying sword and banners, galloping …
Drapo Vodou: Haitian Vodou Flags - Indigo Arts
2008年10月29日 · Doubtless the most spectacular Haitian art form is the sequin-covered Drapo Vodou or "Voodoo Flag". Vodou banners derive directly from the practice of the Vodou …
St Jacques Majeurs v v flag | The New York Public Library
Here, Saint Jacques Majeurs represents the Vodou deity Ogoun—the spirit of power, protection, and the military, who is associated with the color red—depicted as a mounted, sword-wielding …
The Art of Haitian Vodou Flags: History, Craftsmanship, and …
2024年8月3日 · Each flag, known as a “drapo,” serves as a visual representation of the Vodou spirits, or “lwa,” and is crafted with meticulous attention to detail, reflecting the beliefs and …
Vodou Flag of Ogou/St. Jacques - The Sacred Arts of the Black …
Vodou flags are both sacred and secular because traditionally, they were used for religious ceremonies. Yet, their beautiful design and color are meant to invite any and all to partake in …
Vodou Flag (Drapo) | National Museums Liverpool
In the Vodou pantheons Ogou is a hot-tempered warrior who fights for justice. He rules over all things made of iron, including vehicles. St. James Major or St Jaques (frequently depicted as …