Continuous Army innovation yields improved gunner protection
2011年1月7日 · With more than 45,000 of these systems fielded to date, the OGPK is a standard-issue equipment piece for the Army's tactical gunner vehicles - from up-armored Humvees in Operation New Dawn in...
Soldier combat needs feed 'stream of invention,' patents, and …
2011年9月13日 · The OGPK is an example of a broader philosophy that ARDEC is embracing. This approach includes using patents as: • A truly objective measure of state-of-the-art inventiveness
Picatinny Designs Latest Advancement in Gunner Protection
2007年4月4日 · With more than 2,500 of the systems already being used in theater, the O-GPK is currently in mass production at Army depots and field-ready kits are arriving in Iraq and Afghanistan on a weekly...
OGPK - Wikipedia
OGPK (Objective Gunner Protection Kit, オブジェクティブ・ガンナー・プロテクション・キット)は、2000年代後半に アメリカ合衆国 で開発された、 ハンヴィー や MRAP の機関銃手を防護する目的で開発された 装甲 銃塔 キットの名称である。 初期のハンヴィーの銃手。 攻撃に対し無防備であった。 2003年 3月 に発生した イラク戦争 において、 アメリカ軍 は短期間に侵攻作戦を進め、 5月 には ジョージ・W・ブッシュ 大統領 により大規模戦闘の終息宣言が出さ …
(ARDEC) and ATI Defense worked closely to develop a new, lightweight Universal Pintal Adapter (UPA) made from ATI 425®-MIL titanium alloy. The adapter will be used with ARDEC’s Objective Gunner Protection Kit (OGPK). The OGPK is an armored system fielded to protect tactical vehicle gunners from current and emerging threats.
– Develops and integrates the right technology solutions to improve Current Force effectiveness and provide superior capabilities for the Future Force. Develop supporting physics-based models, analytical tools to support analysis, and system level studies ........Support the Army’s DECISION MAKING process.
Afghanistan Combat Drives Army Turret Modification
A clear example of that fact can be found in the latest modification to the Objective Gunner Protection Kit (OGPK), which is mounted atop various combat vehicles. Designated as the Objective Weapon Elevation Kit, the new modification equips warfighters with the capability to safely engage elevated targets while remaining in a protective posture ...
Lab Testing Seeks To Improve Tactical Vehicle Gunner Protection
The best way to evaluate the effectiveness of a product is to put it in the hands of the user, obtain feedback, and make adjustments accordingly. With a newly developed Virtual Environment Test Bed, or VETB, scientists and engineers at the Target Behavioral Research Laboratory at Picatinny Arsenal can now record how soldiers react and perform inside a …
The OGPK, which received an Army Greatest Invention Award for 2007, is an integrated armor and ballistic glass cupola shield mounted on top of tactical and armored vehicles. It provides 360-degree protection from small arms fire and explosions while retaining visibility for the gunners. The mission for ARDEC was to ensure that
ARDEC at a Glance • Established “Center of Mass” for Armament Systems and Munitions for Joint Services • ARDEC is the largest tenant at Picatinny Arsenal • Over 500 Buildings/64 Laboratories • Proven track-record supporting transition of technologies to the field; • A total of 186 New Weapons and Equipment fielded since 9/11