Are you ok——雷军 - 哔哩哔哩
雷军在印度小米4i发布会演讲中的一句Are you OK被来自哔哩哔哩的鬼畜区UP主Mr.Lemon重新剪辑成一首MAD神曲(原曲Angelina-Lou Bega),其魔性的旋律引得其他网友在网络上疯传。
雷军的are you ok?为什么搞笑 - 知乎
他上台后的开场问候就是“Hello! How are you?”。 那句“Are you OK”确实有点……怪异,但在当时的语境下,他的意思也是明白的。他说的是,我们会向现场的每个人免费赠送一只Mi …
Oh Ok - Slang Meaning and Examples - FastSlang
It could be a polite way of ending a conversation, a passive-aggressive response to someone who has annoyed you, or even a sarcastic remark to show that you don't take someone seriously. …
"oh okay."是什么意思? -关于英语 (美国)(英文) | HiNative
It is a casual way of saying "alright" or "that sounds good". For example: Person A: Do you want to go home now? Person B: Oh okay Oh doesn't necessarily change the meaning but it adds …
oh ok - Urban Dictionary
2018年7月26日 · Something someone says to you when you just shattered their heart into a million pieces, but they don’t have the guts to tell you. Him: sorry can’t , I’m w/ my friends Her: …
谁有are you ok的完整歌词 - 百度知道
2015年6月6日 · Are You OK,源自中国影片分享网站哔哩哔哩的用户根据中国企业家雷军在印度的营销演讲改编的鬼畜作品,并演化成一句流行语和文化现象。 2015年4月23日,小米手机4i …
The Meaning of "Oh Ok": Exploring Its Usage and Interpretations
"Oh ok" is a versatile phrase that can be interpreted in various ways, depending on the context and accompanying cues. While it often serves as a polite and casual response, it can also …
are you ok - 百度百科
Are you ok英文意思:你还好吗? 雷军 在 印度 小米4i 发布会演讲中的一句Are you OK,被来自 哔哩哔哩 的鬼畜区 UP主 Mr.Lemon [4] 重新剪辑成一首 MAD 神曲(原曲 Angelina -Lou …
为什么是Are you OK?而不是Do you OK? - 百度知道
2018年8月1日 · Are you OK?(゜?゜)/ 你还好吧? Oh China(Chinese) Mi Fans 噢 中国米粉 Are you OK?(゜?゜)/ 你还好吧? \ (゜?゜)Are you OK?你还好吧? I 我 I I I 我我我 I I I I I I I 我我 …
"are you ok" 和 "are you alright" 和有什么不一样? | HiNative
@jamespe: "Are you ok?" is casual form of asking. "Are you alright?" is a bit more formal, but is still casual. It has a more gentle tone. example: "I fell earlier today and hit my head." "Oh gosh, …