關於我們 — Ooh Cha Cha 自然食
從2013年,來自美國加州的 Mai和Spencer, 來自台灣Sylvia Chi和Stella Wu創辦了Ooh Cha Cha以來,我們就一直是附近的朋友們想要吃上一餐簡單又健康的食物時的首選。人類每天選擇的飲食,都直接影響到個人健康、環境、社群、和所有的生命體。
Ooh Cha Cha 自然食
“【行銷專題企劃】面對高度發展的甜點工藝,位於台北的裸食風格店「Ooh Cha Cha自然食」卻反其道而行,以低溫冷凍保持食材真味的方式,用各式堅果和水果融製作出似冰淇淋蛋糕般滑順口感的裸食甜點,多了健康,少了負擔,讓吃甜食成為身心都滿足的樂事!
Ooh Cha Cha
Founded by California natives, Ooh Cha Cha is, as they put it, your go-to spot for simple, real, whole food. The ethos behind the restaurant makes it especially attractive, as they’re committed to working with local farmers. Plus, the food’s just fantastic.” “No vegan food crawl in Taipei is complete without popping into Ooh Cha Cha.
古亭菜單 — Ooh Cha Cha 自然食
每日限定口味 (請洽櫃檯) 跳舞香蕉派、香檸乳酪派、恰恰抹茶派、草莓檸檬派、可可甜橙派、香濃摩卡芙淇派.
【新北板橋】Ooh Cha Cha自然食(內附菜單) |台北人氣純素餐 …
2023年4月15日 · Ooh Cha Cha自然食板橋店隱藏在館前西路的巷子裡,靠近湳雅夜市,在捷運府中站步行10分鐘內可以到達。 這裏以橘色和咖啡色等大地色為主色調,給人溫暖舒適的感覺。 走進內部會先看到寬敞的空間,餐廳被劃分成幾個用餐區域,靠近窗的高腳椅非常照顧到一人前往的顧客。 門口的右方是自助區,餐具和水都可以自行取用。 不知道是否心理作用,個人覺得這邊的水真的好好喝哈哈哈. 點餐區旁可以清楚看到餐點製作的過程。 Ooh Cha Cha自然食還有提供 …
Ooh Cha Cha自然食(內附菜單) |台北人氣純素餐廳來到板橋 …
2023年4月14日 · 如果你在找尋健康、簡單、真實的料理,推薦你來Ooh Cha Cha 自然食! Ooh Cha Cha自然食 地址、營業時間及電話. 📌:新北市板橋區館前西路213巷7號. 🕒:10:00-21:00. 📞:02 2737 2994. 官網:https://www.oohchacha.com/ 粉專:Ooh Cha Cha
Ooh Cha Cha - Facebook
Ooh Cha Cha. 21,285 likes · 9 talking about this · 4,370 were here. 台北第一間美食純素餐廳。我們的宗旨就是提供好吃的全植物飲食, Since 2013. Our mission is to provide fresh, whole foods in a delicious way. Each and every dish is...
OhCha (@oh_cha_) • Instagram photos and videos
Your Herbal Solution for Kidney Detox and Digestive Health. Elevate your wellness routine with Oh Cha Kidney Support Tea, a carefully crafted blend of potent herbs designed to detoxify your kidneys.
About - Ooh Cha Cha
Our mission is to move people to make kinder choices through accessible, high-quality, plant-based meals. Through our spaces and food, we want to inspire you to make an impact, big and small, in your life and around you.
Unveiling the adorable world of Ooh! Cha! Milk Tea - Inquirer.net
2024年5月21日 · MANILA, Philippines – The House of Franchise just welcomed an adorable addition to the family! Here’s Mimi, Lala, and Cha Cha of Ooh! Cha! Milk Tea, where flavor and innovation combine. On May 1, 2024, Ooh!
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