Specific Risk Assessment Tool
You only need to fill out the Assessments for Specific Risks that are relevant to your workplace or to specific jobs or locations. If the risk listed is not present, Click "no" . If the risk is present, click on the "yes" button and then additional questions about measures and procedures and information about controls will appear.
Its primary purpose is to provide Ontario’s employers and workers with information and advice on a recommended generic framework for preventing musculoskeletal disorders in the workplace. Part 3: MSD Prevention Toolbox.
Thissurveyaybe used to askworkersand anageent about theirpe rception of theirsafetyin the workplace. It can als be used aspart of Step 1 in Devloping Woplace Violence and Harassment olicies and ograms: What ployers Need to Know.
The old MSD Prevention Guideline (2007) - University of Waterloo
The below guidelines and resource materials are part of the 2007 Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD) Prevention Series developed by the Occupational Health and Safety Council of Ontario (OHSCO) to help reduce the risk of MSD.
PSHSA & Home Page
Find out how PSHSA’s OHS expertise and sector knowledge can help make your organization a healthier & safer place to work. Find a collection of tools and resources available for download, including: checklists, fast facts, handbooks, posters, …
Workplace Violence Risk Assessment Tool in Any Sector - PSHSA
In Ontario, the Occupational Health and Safety Act requires employers to assess the risks of workplace violence and to put in place policies and programs regarding workplace violence and workplace harassment. These Workplace Violence Assessment Tools have been developed to help Ontario employers meet these requirements.
General Physical Environment Assessment Tool
You must complete all the questions in this tool in one sitting in order to save and/or print a summary of your answers. This summary can help you to track your progress as you put controls in place. Click here to access the full OHSCO Workplace Violence Risk Assessment Toolbox.
In this document you will fi nd an overview of the MSD prevention framework, and some basic information about MSD hazards. This is followed by tools that can be used, as part of a participative process, to recognize jobs with MSD hazards, conduct a simple MSD risk assessment, and, if required, identify and select MSD hazard controls.
MSD Prevention Series - Institute for Work and Health
MSDs refer to injuries or pain in the joints, ligaments, muscles, nerves, tendons and structures that support limbs, the neck and the back. MSDs are typically the leading type of work-related injury reported to workers’ compensation boards.