Oi-zuki / Gyaku-Zuki - YouTube
Oi-zuki is used as a defensive counter if you are being rushed. If an attacker is closing distance, stepping into Oi-zuki means they run into an immovable structure which ruins their attack,...
Oi-zuki - Wikipedia
An oi-zuki [oiˌzɯki] (Japanese 追 い 突 き) (in Wadō-Ryū: Jun-Zuki, Japanese 順 突 き) is an equal-sided punch [1] used in budo disciplines such as karate or jujitsu. [2] This is an embodiment of the choku-zuki with foot movement. In addition to the block techniques, the Oi-Zuki is one of the first techniques a student learns. [3]
Oi-Zuki (Lunge Punch) – Karate Punching Technique - Black …
Oi-Zuki is a basic punching technique taught by Karate styles such as Shotokan. It is also known in English as a lunge punch, step-in punch, front punch, forward punch, stepping punch, etc.
Karate Uchi Waza: Oi Tsuki - Karate Philosophy
2022年2月7日 · In karate context, oi tsuki (also called jun tsuki) refers to a straight stepping punch where you step forward into a zenkutsu dachi and execute a simple punch (seiken tsuki).
OI ZUKI - karate forward punch - TEAM KI - YouTube
In this video we show you 3 important points for a strong OI TZUKI and how to combine them. Music: YEYEY - The Vision Instrumentals - Secrets (Instrumental) (Creative Commons)...more
Training Secret #7 - Oi-zuki /Jun-zuki | Variations ... - YouTube
Training Secret #7 - Oi-zuki /Jun-zuki | Variations & Applications in Kumite. #oizuki #kihon #karate247 Selective Training Secret Series by Famous Karate Instructors. Video is re-organised...
The correct way to apply an Oi Zuki, the movement of pulling
2022年8月26日 · In Shito-ryu Shukokai we always punch oi-zuki jodan with a vertical fist (largest knuckle on top), that always seems a much more logical way to strike the face and throat for me.
Thoughts about oi zuki as a main traditional punch technique - Reddit
I wonder, why oi zuki is the main hand attack in many karate styles. It translates from Japanese as a pursuit attack, so it means that the opponent steps back. But all defense techniques are learned as a reaction to an oi zuki, which is not used in a real fight. And it makes many combinations useless.
Oi Tsuki, Oi zuki - karatekas.com
Oi-Tsuki es un ataque realizado con el puño de la pierna adelantada, con un paso rápido adelante. El recorrido del puño debe ser en línea recta desde la cadera. La velocidad del desplazamiento se suma a la velocidad del puño, con lo que si se hace correctamente, la velocidad resultante es elevada.
Technique oi-tsuki - KARATE-FRANCE
2017年9月11日 · La technique oi-tsuki, qui signifie coup de poing en poursuite est aussi parfois appelée jun-tsuki. C’est un mouvement de base dans le karaté, le coup est direct en avançant sur un pas comme le montre la vidéo ci-dessus.