Oil Formation Volume Factor - an overview - ScienceDirect
Oil formation volume factor is defined as the volume of oil (and dissolved gas) at reservoir pressure and temperature required to produce one stock tank barrel of oil at the surface. The oil formation volume factor is expressed in units of reservoir volume over …
Oil formation volume factor | Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE ...
2025年1月28日 · The oil formation volume factor (FVF) relates the volume of oil at stock-tank conditions to the volume of oil at elevated pressure and temperature in the reservoir. Values typically range from approximately 1.0 bbl/STB for crude oil systems containing little or no solution gas to nearly 3.0 bbl/STB for highly volatile oils.
原油体积系数 - 百度百科
原油体积系数,又称原油地下体积系数, 是指原油在地下的体积 ( 即地层油体积) 与其在地面脱气后的体积之比。 Vs——在地面脱气后的体积,m 3。 一般情况下, 由于溶解气和热膨胀的影响远超过弹性压缩的影响, 地层油的体积总是大于它在地面脱气后的体积, 故原油的地下体积系数Bo一般都大于1。 T——地层温度,K。 运用Standing饱和压力公式的算术平均误差为4.8%左右。 [2] 一般情况下,地下原油的体积受3个因素影响:溶解气、热膨胀和压缩性。 可通过溶解气油比、油层 …
Standing: Oil Formation Volume Factor Calculator - PVT Solver
Calculate the properties of petroleum reservoir fluids with a reliable, simple PVT calculator. Use the Standing oil formation volume factor calculator. Standing (1947) N.B. At pressures less than bubble point pressure, the Standing (1947) correlations are used to calculate the solution gas-oil ratio and the saturated oil formation volume factor.
体积系数- 石油百科 -中文在线石油百科全书,为石油人打造的在线 …
储层油 (水或天然气)的体积系数B是油 (水或气)在地下的体积Vf与其在标准状况下地面的体积Vs的比值,即:B=Vf/Vs。 储层油 (或水)的体积系数一般均大于1;而天然气的体积系数则远小于1,为了便于计算常用其倒数。 储层油的体积系数通常用具有代表性的样品由实验直接测定,也可通过图版来获得;而天然气的体积系数则是通过测定其组成后,由计算求得。 (尤其在法律、医学等领域),建议您咨询相关领域专业人士。
New Correlations For Formation Volume Factors Of Oil And
2013年4月5日 · This paper presents new correlations for formation volume factors (FVF) at, above and below bubblepoint pressure for oil and gas mixtures as empirical functions of solution gas oil ratio, gas...
Formation Volume Factor or FVF - Reservoir Engineering
Formation Volume Factor is a vital parameter in oil production. By quantifying the shrinkage of oil from the reservoir to the surface, FVF helps us accurately estimate reserves, calculate production, and design efficient facilities for oil extraction. Understanding FVF ensures optimized operations and maximizes the economic value of oil resources.
AbdalazizAH/BO_oil - GitHub
This is a graphical user interface (GUI) application to calculate the Oil Formation Volume Factor (FVF) based on various equations and input parameters. The application is built using Tkinter for the GUI, and it integrates Matplotlib for plotting the results. Calculate FVF using either the Glaso or Standing equation.
PVT Properties and Correlations - Production Technology
2017年9月26日 · Oil Formation Volume Factor (Bo): The oil formation volume factor is the ratio of volume occupied in the reservoir by a volume of oil measured at standard conditions. This included the effect of dissolved gas. Units are reservoir barrels per stock tank barrel (bbl/stb) or cubic meters per cubic meter at standard conditions (m3/Sm3).
Formation Volume Factor - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The formation volume factor (FVF) relates the volume of oil at stock tank conditions to the volume of oil at elevated pressure and temperature in the reservoir. Values typically range from approximately 1.0 bbl/STB for crude oil systems containing little or no solution gas to nearly 3.0 bbl/STB for highly volatile oils.