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Crude Oil News - Page 1 | OilPrice.com
Crude oil inventories in the United States saw an increase of 3.6 million barrels during the week ending February 28, according to new data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration… Oil...
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《维纳斯和阿多尼斯》是透纳比较重要的油画作品之一。 He oiled his bike and pumped up the tyres. 他给自己的自行车上了油,给轮胎充了气。 The company buys and sells about 600,000 barrels of oil a day. 该公司每天买卖约60万桶石油。 ...the rapid rise in prices for oil and petrol. A crew of assistants oiled and adjusted the release mechanism until it worked perfectly... 一班助手给排放装置加润滑油并作调试,直到其达至理想工作状态。
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Free oil price dashboard on your site. Learn How » Drone strikes on Saudi oil facilities rocked the oil market. Now publicly traded, would Saudi Aramco's valuation plummet if these attacks reoccured? Full Article »... Almost a decade since Gaddafi's exit, Libya is still struggling for foothold. If not for oil, would it have been any different.
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OIL提供了基于框架和描述逻辑的本体模型建模机制,能够用非常简洁的形式表示丰富的、良好定义的语义;并且还提供了自动推理的支持机制,比如类的一致性和逻辑检验。 其中OIL描述的本体模型由几个部件构成,其中某些部件自成结构,一般包括:引用(import)、基规则(rule base)、类(class)定义、槽(slot)的定义、槽的约束(constraints)和类型(type)定义等。 名词 n. 1. 油 [U] 2. 石油,汽油 [U] Mexico is self-sufficient in oil. 墨西哥在石油方面可自给自足 …
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