OIP-10 | ORC-20
OIP-10 introduces the virtual credit system to the orc-20 token standard. This system allows users to send their ORC-20 inscription to the virtual ATM to receive virtual credit . These virtual credit can then be used to inscribe new balances.
OIPs - ORC-20
2023年7月3日 · oip-10 To split a balance of existing 'mint' & 'send' inscriptions, the holder must send the inscription to be split to a designated 'split' burn wallet. This design is important in preventing double-spending.
OIP-10 Dev Proposal · Issue #1 · Geniidata/orc20 · GitHub
2023年6月29日 · OIP-10 solves the double-spending problem by using virtual accounts, while also improving the efficiency of inscription utilization in conjunction with OIP-5. After OIP-10, existing "mint" and "send" inscriptions cannot be split. These inscriptions will function like NFTs with balances and can be safely transferred between accounts (OIP-5).
射频中的 IM3、IIP3、OIP3、G、P1dB指标之间的关系 - CSDN博客
2020年5月31日 · IMD3即三阶互调(third order intermodulation),两者区别主要是IP3针对的时功率值,IMD3是相对值,一般器件中的指标,IP3有输入三阶互调(IIP3),输出三阶互调(OIP3),IMD3主要有三阶互调抑制度,两者的单位不一样,IP3为dBm,IMD3为dBc。
Prehistoric Survey of Egypt and Western Asia, Vol. I: Paleolithic …
OIP 10. Prehistoric Survey of Egypt and Western Asia, Vol. I: Paleolithic Man and the Nile-Faiyum Divide: A Study of the Region During Pliocene and Pleistocene Times. K. S. Sandford and W. J. Arkell.
About ORC-20 | ORC-20
ORC-20 is an open token standard for Bitcoin ordinals, created by OrcDAO, to enhance some of the key features of BRC-20. It is aimed to be backward compatible with BRC-20, to improve adaptability, scalability, and security, and to eliminate the possibility of double spending.
Integrate safety into the Organizational Inspection Program (OIP) to identify best practices at Regions and Garrisons for IMCOM to adopt as overall programs. f.
台積公司 - 開放創新平台(OIP)
2017年11月29日 · 開放創新平台(Open Innovation Platform®, OIP)是一個完整的設計技術架構,涵蓋所有關鍵性的積體電路設計範疇,有效降低設計時可能遇到的種種障礙,提高首次投片即成功的機會。
OIP-10: $ONEX Airdrop to $NOM Stakers - Onomy Protocol
2023年11月28日 · This newly minted digital asset on the ONEX consumer chain will replace the convoluted unbond → bridge via IBC → bond → vote → unbond → bridge back → restake on Onomy process. $ONEX coin will facilitate ease of use, and be airdropped for free 1:1 to current $NOM stakers. $ONEX will therefore be used for governance by those most-aligned with Onom...
B1 Sample battalion organizational inspection program …
2017年3月27日 · The OIP is a comprehensive, written plan that addresses all inspections and audits conducted by the command and its subordinate elements as well as those inspections and audits scheduled by outside agencies. The purpose of the OIP is to coordinate inspections and audits into a single, cohesive program focused on business objectives.
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