包含ough的单词 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
ough主要有6种美式发音: 1、后面跟t,除了 drought ,其他发音都为ɔː. ought, bough t,fought,brought, though t,sought. 除了ought其他都为过去式. 2、发音为ɔːf. cough咳嗽;trough槽. 3、发音为uː. through 通过. 4、发音为aʊ,主要和自然界有关
ough字母组合发音有哪些 - 百度知道
ough是英语中一个较为活跃的字母组合,有多种发音,在美式发音中主要有以下5种: 1、[au], 如 plough (犁), bough (树枝), slough (泥潭,泥坑)等. 2、[ou], 如 though (虽然), dough (生面团) although(尽管)等. 3、[ʌf], 如 rough (粗糙的),tough (强硬的) 4、[u:] , 如 through (通过) 5、[ɔː].
Ough (orthography) - Wikipedia
Ough is a four-letter sequence, a tetragraph, used in English orthography and notorious for its unpredictable pronunciation. [1] It has at least eight pronunciations in North American English and nine in British English , and no discernible patterns exist for choosing among them.
7 Ways to Say "ough" - EnglishClub
7 Ways to Say "ough" It's a pity that English is not phonetic! In some languages, you can look at a word and know immediately how to pronounce it. But in English you need to be a little more careful. Take the letters "ough", for example. They occur in many words, but they do not always sound the same. though (like o in go) through (like oo in too)
拼读的(不)规则,和ough的九种读法 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
ough就是诗中最后的大招。 这首诗Google能找出来很多朗读的版本,但国内的网站上似乎只能搜出来喜马拉雅有一个女声版,还有某大白话在搜狐上的一个版本,个人觉得还有改进空间,所以想改天再自己录一下了,到时候再单独发一篇。
字母组合ough的7种发音。 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
"ough" 这个字母组合在英语中的发音非常多样,以下是一些常见的发音: cough:/kɒf/(咳嗽) tough:/tʌf/(坚韧的)tough guy硬汉
ough在英语单词词尾的发音规则 - 网易
2018年5月11日 · 1. -ough 发 "oh" 音, 就像 "go." o的发音. 2. -ough第二种发音是 "ooh" 音, 如单词 "too." 例句: The monster is coming through the door. 例子: John does not feel well. He has a bad cough and his throat hurts. 4. -ough第四种发音像 "aw" 音, 如单词"law." 例子: Lydia thought about the country to feel more relaxed. 5. -ough 第五种发音 "ow" 音, 如单词 "now."
学英语 | ‘ough’究竟怎么念?有几种念法?_发音 - 搜狐
2019年1月15日 · 在‘cough’和‘trough’这两个词中,‘ough’的发音为‘off’。 Try not to cough during the concert.在音乐会中的时候尽量不要咳嗽。 You soak clothes in a laundry trough.你在洗衣水槽中浸泡衣服。
30秒掌握ough的所有发音 - 哔哩哔哩
30秒掌握ough的所有发音, 视频播放量 21928、弹幕量 0、点赞数 1580、投硬币枚数 38、收藏人数 518、转发人数 11, 视频作者 张烟囱 ...