Oka Ruto - Yandere Simulator Wiki
2015年11月15日 · Oka Ruto is the fourth upcoming rival of Ayano Aishi and the leader of the Occult Club. Oka has messy, shoulder-length dark navy-blue hair with a fringe hanging down the middle of her face, flowing across her right cheek.
Oka Ruto - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
Oka Ruto是YandereDev制作中的游戏《病娇模拟器》中的登场角色。游戏中超自然部的部长。主角的情敌之一。
Oka Ruto - Yandere Simulator Fandom Wikia
Oka Ruto is a female student and a future rival in Yandere Simulator. She was implemented in the November 15th, 2 015 Update, just not currently as the rival, as Kokona Haruka is still the current rival. She is the founder and president of the second Occult Club at Akademi High. [1] She will not be present at school for the first few weeks.
Oka Ruto | Wiki | Yandere Simulator Amino - Amino Apps
Oka Ruto is an upcoming female student that will attend Akademi High School and the fourth upcoming rival in Yandere Simulator. She also stars as the antagonist of Yanderetale. Background🖤. Oka will not be present at school for the first few weeks of the game. While she is absent, Shin Higaku will be her substitute.
Oka Ruto | Yandere-simulator Wiki | Fandom
Oka is the president of the school's occult club. She is completely convinced that ghosts, demons, and black magic really exist, and wants to dedicate her life to proving that these things are real. Oka is absent from school during the first three weeks of gameplay for mysterious reasons.
Oka Ruto | Yandere Simulator Wiki | Fandom
Oka Ruto is the fourth upcoming rival of Ayano Aishi and the leader of the Occult Club. Oka has messy, shoulder-length dark navy-blue hair with a fringe hanging down the middle of her face, flowing across her right cheek.
Oka Ruto | Wikia Yandere Simulator FR | Fandom
Fondatrice et présidente du club occulte. Semble n'avoir absolument aucun intérêt pour tout ce qui n'est pas paranormal. Espionne quotidiennement les sœurs Basu, dans une futile recherche d'indice prouvant qu'elles seraient des êtres surnaturels. Oka Ruto est la quatrième rivale du jeu et la présidente du club occulte.
day 6: oka ruto, the pigeon-hearted stalker [DLC rival] - Reddit
2023年2月8日 · "[DLC] having developed these feelings early on in the game, depending on the player's gameplay, Oka may be very well aware something is happening to all the girls who fall for Senpai, leading her to find a way to protect herself.."
Yandere Simulator All Oka Ruto Dialogue, Voice Lines, Clips
2016年9月18日 · I've compiled all of Oka Ruto's dialogue in Yandere Simulator's current debug build. The lines associated with kidnapping and torture aren't included, becaus...
Oka Ruto | Wiki | Yandere Simulator Amino - Amino Apps
2017年6月1日 · Oka Ruto is one of the female students that currently attends Akademi High School and the fourth upcoming rival in Yandere Simulator. She also stars as the antagonist of Yanderetale. Explanation of Oka. Oka will not be present at school for the first few weeks of the game. While she is absent, Shin Higaku will be her substitute.