word usage - Using "fine" instead of "okay." - English Language ...
2021年1月13日 · But my opinion of this context is that Things are okay, but I wouldn't go so far as to say everything is fine could be a perfectly reasonable thing to say (the situation is at least tolerable, but it's far from good). Contrariwise, I don't think I could ever accept Things are fine, but I wouldn't go so far as to say everything is okay.
"Okay" or "fine"? - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
2016年5月3日 · "Okay" or "fine"? Ask Question Asked 8 years, 10 months ago. Modified 8 years, 10 months ago. Viewed 1k ...
grammar - To be fine/okay with doing something."? - English …
Is the construction "to be fine/okay with doing something" grammatical and common usage? Example : "I am fine/okay with waiting." I always thought it was and I have heard it a few times but couldnt find it in any dictionary. The only thing that came close was the expression "That is …
word choice - that's fine, that's OK or tomorrow is fine - English ...
2021年2月22日 · Monday is fine means you are happy with it. Monday is okay means you accept the date, but does not say you are happy. As a guest, don't say the food is okay if you want to be invited back.
To be OK; To be fine - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
2013年11月7日 · Just about any of those would be okay with me. I'd rather not go see Ocean's 14, though. If all five choices sounded good to me, as opposed to four out of five, I would change the wording: All of those sound good. I'm fine with any of those. Those are all alright with me. And if there were only two: Both of those sound good. I'm fine with ...
meaning in context - In what situation ‘that’s fine’ is an …
2018年8月9日 · You would respond to a question with "That's fine" when the question is about whether something is correct or acceptable. It's basically a way of saying that the speaker has no problem with what the questioner is asking about. For example, you might respond with "That's fine" to any of these:
word usage - When to use "alright" and when to use "okay"?
2015年9月6日 · (or, Okay.) 2) They can be used to indicate that the quality of something is "satisfactory but not exceptionally or especially good": For example: How was the movie last night? It was okay. (or, It was alright) In these two contexts, I find these terms pretty much interchangeable. In the first, you agree, but without any particular eagerness.
"I'm OK with it" VS "It's OK with me"
2021年8月29日 · Perhaps "It's okay with me." would be how you respond if you were being asked for your approval. "I'm okay with it." is how you would respond if you were being asked your opinion. But I'm not sure that you could really detect an actual difference in usage.
Difference between "It's fine with me" and "it's fine to me"?
2021年3月26日 · That's fine with me. This means Rachel has no objections to starting piano lessons in the fall. Rachel should not answer, "That's fine to me," because, idiomatically, to is not the preposition to use in this context. However, Rachel could say: That sounds fine to me. We frequently find the phrase fine to me after verbs like sounds or looks.
adjectives - How often is fine used to describe a good person …
2021年12月1日 · Are you okay? These example questions all ask about being fine. Many dictionaries would make 'fine' to mean satisfactory as with 'alright'. However 'fine' can also refer to a permanent characteristic as an adjective. The clear distinction is to use 'fine' to mean being in either a temporary satisfactory state or a permanently good state.