Why is "I’m doing great" correct? - English Language & Usage …
2015年3月16日 · "I'm doing great" is not grammatically correct in my view as great is an adjective and noun but not an adverb. In that sentence you need an adverb. The traditional adverb for great would be "greatly" but that doesn't work because "great" means large or big and greatly can only be used in other contexts such as a comparative (greatly superior etc).
"okay" vs "good" in questions starting with "Is it okay/good"
In my opinion, they are not synonymous. Okay implies allowability. Good implies a value judgement. How you use them depends on what you mean to say. I would use okay to ask, perhaps, Is it okay if we eat early tonight? and "When is it okay to break the rules? When is it good? The first asks when is it allowable. The second asks when it it right?
Is a comma appropriate in "Sounds good, thanks."
2018年9月6日 · Sounds good, thanks. would only be used in informal contexts. It would not be appropriate in formal essay writing, for example, as Sounds good is a fragment. Thus, there aren't any rules per se. Personally, I have observed a comma to be more commonly used. I also read commas as a short pause and periods as a longer stop, so Sounds good. Thanks. doesn't sound like I would say it. I know that is ...
Is it natural to say "Ok, I will"? - English Language & Usage Stack ...
2020年6月15日 · Okay, will do. This is very effective (in the U.S.) to convey cooperativeness and a positive attitude.
"I'm well" vs. "I'm good" vs. "I'm doing well", etc
2010年8月13日 · The greeting How are you? is asking How are you doing in general? — How are you? I'm well. [Misunderstood the question.] because well as an adjective which means: in good health especially
Grammatically, comma or period after "no problem", "sure", …
2015年6月11日 · Okay is one of those words that peppers the speech patterns of many people. Here is the scoop on okay. If it comes at the beginning of a sentence, follow it with a period. It stands by itself and is not attached to anything around it. I presume this advice only applies to free-standing "okay" and "no problem" and not when they substitute "yes"?
word choice - Difference between "I'm fine" and "I'm good"
2011年9月14日 · In common usage, "I'm fine" is a generally positive way of saying "There's nothing particularly wrong"; yet it also means that there isn't anything superlatively right, well, or good. "I'm good", however, is a positive assertion that your personal situation and the events surrounding it are supererogatory compared to your usual state of being. That is, by describing your state of being as ...
Have a great sleep? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2015年2月4日 · "Have a great sleep" is perfectly grammatical, in fact "have a great nap" is pretty common. However, "Have a good night's sleep" is really the more idiomatic way to say this. I suppose if we were to draw a distinction it would be the latter wished the sleeper not a short sleep, but one that lasted through the night.
What are words like "excellent, good, great, perfect" called?
2015年2月10日 · Is there a specific term for these kinds of words that describe the quality of a particular act or object? Besides adjective? Examples: Perfect Excellent Great Good Bad Poor Terrible Horrible
Meaning of "that's fine" in modern American English when used as …
2019年11月20日 · Here in the States it is tricky due to the melting pot of cultures so "thats fine" could be interpreted as a simple acknowledgement/agreement to a passive aggressive way of showing ones upset/half-hearted agreement without actually saying the words. It all depends on the conversation. I would say in a professional setting, in general, it is used as an agreement/acknowledgement. Used in a ...